“Who are you here with?” he asks over the music.
“Camille,” I shout into his ear.
“Where is Millie Moo?”
“She’s in the washroom,” I lie. “Who are you here with?”
“Some guys from the team. Want to come sit and talk for a bit?” he asks, and when I nod in agreement, he walks us over to the booth where all of his friends are sitting.
He introduces me to everyone, and they’re all kind.
Once we’re sitting side by side, he pulls up his social media account and says, “Your dad’s team won tonight. Isaiah posted a funny video of them. I need to show you.”
When the video comes into view, I see that the entire team is at a bar. The focus of the video is on Isaiah and another player, who are up on stage doing karaoke, but my eyes latch on Elio in the background. He’s leaning against the bar top, a bunch of girls surrounding him.
My stomach does somersaults, then abruptly falls to my ass.
What the hell is happening to me?
I’ve never had this feeling before, one where it’s sinking into every crevice of my body, trying to inch its way out of my skin. I ask to watch it again, pretending that I thought it was funny when really I wanted to watch him again.
It hurts just as much the second time, watching him smile at the girls around him. Truthfully, I have no right to feel the way I am. We’re roommates. He could have been sleeping around this entire time for all I know, but to see the possibility of it with my own eyes stings.
My throat clogs with emotion, but I tamp it down, remembering who I am and where I’m at. The only thing I want to do is forget what I saw and about the roommate I’ve been fantasizing about giving all of my firsts to.
You know what? I’m over that shit too. I think it’s about time I get my first kiss over with. Why keep saving it when there’s no one special to share it with anyways? I’ll be waiting forever at this rate.
I need to find someone to go on a date with who will walk me to my door and kiss me. Plain and simple. Then it’ll be over with.
Theo leaves the group to get some drinks, and as if the universe heard my internal dialogue, his friend Adam slides over to take his spot.
“How’s it going?” He smiles, the action taking up his face. He’s cute, a bit boyish-looking for my liking, but cute.
Filled with liquid courage, I ask him, “What’s your number? I need to find my friend and leave, but I’d like to hang out with you sometime.”
His mouth drops, his eyebrows rising. “Oh, uh, wow. I thought I’d have to beg for some of your attention, so this is great.” He talks nervously, fiddling with his phone in his pocket.
The comment puts me off, but I ignore the feeling, wanting to push through and get this whole thing over with.
We exchange numbers, and then I stand. “Text me and we can plan something. It was nice to meet you.” I force a smile, turning on my heel to search for Camille.
I don’t have to look far because she enters the club again, but this time with no Ryker in sight. I thought he gave off protective vibes, but maybe I was wrong. I look at the window that showcases the downtown streets, and my previous assumption is proved wrong because there he is, his eyes pinned on her, a motorcycle helmet in his hand.
Camille stops in front of me, and I quickly turn my attention to her.
“You okay, Cami? We can go home.”
“I’m good now, but yes, let’s go,” she agrees, looping her arm through mine.
We leave the club, stopping by Theo to say goodbye.
The ride home was quiet. Camille didn’t want to talk about the incident again and said that Ryker helped her by taking her out of her head for a bit.
I smirk to myself, getting the same feeling about those two that I had for Aurora and Cameron.
Once I’m in bed, I pull out my phone, seeing that I have three texts from Elio.
That message makes me laugh spitefully because he looked like he was having fun.