Page 28 of Trust Me

Once he approaches the table, I stand to give him a hug, but Theo doesn’t do normal hugs. Instead, he spins me around and squeezes the life out of me in the process. When he sets me down, my head spins, so I use his forearm to steady myself.

“Jesus, Theo, why can’t you hug like a normal person?” I chuckle.

“Oh, c’mon, what fun would that be?” he protests.

It’s then that I feel a burning gaze on me. Glancing to the right, I see Elio talking with one of his players, his eyes darkening as he takes me in. I notice that my hand is still on Theo’s arm, so I snatch it away, not because I think that’s why he’s mad, but because it’s weird for us.

Theo and I don’t like each other that way.

“How’s it going with Marcela?” I ask while sitting back down in my seat, with Theo sliding in next to me. Marcela works as a waitress at Beers n Cheers, the on-campus sports bar that Aurora’s brother, Nate, owns. Theo has been pining for her since last year, but nothing has happened yet. Or at least that I know of.

Theo’s jaw works, irritation filling his features for the first time, a hand gripped tightly around the fidget cube he often has with him. I’ve never seen him look this way since I’ve known him. “She has a boyfriend. She finally told me the other night.”

“What? How is that possible? I thought you guys were becoming friends?”

“We are, I think, but she told me they’ve been together since high school. And to top it off? Her boyfriend is none other than Hunter Johnson, the quarterback at the University of Aspen. Our fucking rival school.”

“And he doesn’t want her to be friends with you,” Camille fills in.

He points at her. “Exactly. I can’t blame the guy because I don’t want to just be her friend. I want her to be mine.”

“I’m sorry, Theo. I know how much you liked her,” I apologize, knowing that must suck for him.

“I still like her and I won’t stop trying to be her friend. Hunter is a fucking idiot, and he’s going to mess up soon. I know it. Then I’ll be there to swoop right in and take what’s mine,” he states, showing me a possessive side I never knew existed.

On one hand, I appreciate his devotion, but on the other, I wonder if he should let it go in case that doesn’t happen.

“You got this. If you like her that much, don’t give up hope yet,” Camille encourages him.

Theo and Camille chat while I tune them out as my eyes scan the cafeteria, landing on Elio, who’s still staring at me, looking as if he has no care for what the player is talking to him about.

I avert my gaze, my face flushing as I dig into my panini.

“Who has you blushing?” Theo teases, flicking his finger against my heated cheek.

I swat his hand away, making him chuckle. “It’s warm in here, that’s all.”

It’s a bullshit lie, but I can’t tell him that the real reason I’m blushing is because my older, arrogant roommate is staring at me and I kind of like it, even though I shouldn’t.

Camille glances over her shoulder, a sly smile on her face when she looks back at us. She attempts to open her mouth, but the glare I send her way has her lips closing just as quickly.

“How’s football going?” I ask Theo, wanting to get my mind onto a different subject.

A smug expression takes over his face, his blue eyes shining. “Good, now that I’m starting QB. The team is strong, so I think we’ll have a chance to win the championship this year.”

Last year, they were in the championship game, but lost by a winning touchdown.

“All the teams are looking pretty good this year,” Camille adds.

“You’re still doing the sports section on the school paper, right?” Theo asks her.

“Yeah, I love it.”

“That’s amazing, Millie Moo. If you ever need any quotes, your boy is always good for media stuff.” He winks at her, donning her with a Theo custom nickname that we’re all victims of.

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” she tells him, taking a bite of her panini.

We enjoy the rest of our lunch, laughing and catching up with what we did over the summer. Unlike my summer of staying home and avoiding my parents by ‘studying’ in my room, Camille traveled the country with her brother as he played baseball in different states, all while staying under the radar.