I stay quiet, taking in all this information as I try to come to terms with everything she’s saying. Not only is she a princess, but she’s a princess on the run.
I didn’t see that one coming.
“What made you want to run away, if you don’t mind me asking?” My voice is soft, not trying to sound invasive.
“I love my country and family, but I knew since I was a little girl that being a princess isn’t for me. I wasn’t your typical princess growing up. I loved playing rough with my brothers and watching all of their sporting events when I wasn’t forced to attend my own duties, which were much less exciting. Since our island is so small, not many people outside of France even know who we are. In my own country, I’m about as famous as they come, but here, I can be myself. Although I did dye my hair blonde to cover my tracks.”
“I’m glad you did what felt best for you. How long did it take to plan your escape? How did you even escape?” I word vomit, unable to stop asking questions.
“Not very long. It was after…an event that happened to me. I knew I needed to get out of there sooner than later, so I called Quentin from a burner phone and he set everything up for me. Two weeks later, he had a private jet ready for me. I told my maids I needed to run an errand and ditched them, heading for the airport instead. I was good at evading them. That part of the plan wasn’t hard. The hardest part was leaving my nieces and nephews. I miss them dearly.”
“What happened to you, Cami?” I fold my hand over hers, giving it a squeeze.
Clearing her throat and turning more serious now, her aqua eyes look strained as she adjusts in her spot. “During my last year of high school, we were having a celebration in the city, an all-night party in the streets with vendors and dancing under the stars. My bodyguards at the time got distracted by the events of the night, losing sight of me.”
Camille exhales a shaky breath, her fingers fighting to fidget under my grasp. I squeeze her hand harder at her pained expression, letting her know I’m here for her. “I was hanging out with a crowd I probably shouldn’t have. I liked to smoke weed from time to time, but I never should’ve gone with them,” she croaks then clears her throat.
“One of the guys got handsy, feeling me up, and when I told him no, he gripped my ass. I slapped him and he didn’t like that.” She shivers. “He backhanded me across the cheek and threw me to the ground. I don’t know how, but I got right back up and ran. And all three of those men chased after me. I was fucking terrified, Jasmine. I still get nightmares sometimes, and that’s why I can’t have anyone stay with me. It’s not that I don’t feel safe with you. I just value my personal space.”
I pull her into my arms, letting her cry against my shoulder as she squeezes my body for dear life. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Camille. It’s not okay and I hope those fuckers got jail time.”
“They did. They followed me and we happened to run into a group of police who were looking for me.” Her words are nearly muffled by her tears, but I still hear them. “It’s another reason I wanted to leave and come somewhere where no one knows who I am.”
I rub her back soothingly, having a newfound appreciation for my best friend. She’s so fucking strong. I don’t know how she carries all that she does. “Thank you for trusting me and telling me. I appreciate it. I won’t tell anyone either. Your secret life is safe with me.”
Camille pulls back, wiping under her eyes. “Thank you. I swear I feel like Hannah Montana some days. So it feels good to let it out with someone else.”
My head tilts at that. “Oh yeah. How did Elio know?”
“He’s friends with Quentin, which means they must be really close if Quentin told him about us.”
It all makes sense now.
“Why were you crying earlier?” I prod.
“I was looking at pictures online of my nieces and nephews, and I miss them so much.”
“I’m so sorry, Cami. That’s a lot you’re dealing with.” I grimace, grabbing her hand once more.
“Thank you, Jasmine. I’m glad I have someone to talk to about it now if I need it.” She smiles softly, squeezing my hand.
Camille changes topics, sharing stories of growing up in a castle and her life as a princess. Her brothers seemed like fun to grow up with, making me ache for a sibling that I never had.
I often wonder what it would have been like had my parents had another child. Maybe then there wouldn’t be so much pressure placed on me, and I could live the life I truly want.
It’s a question I’ll never know the answer to and one that will haunt me every day.
Chapter 11
My apartment is quiet, the way I like it.
Except, I didn’t want it to be quiet tonight. I was actually looking forward to seeing Jasmine, maybe lounging on the couch or studying, her absurd color-coded system to help her take notes while I cooked us dinner.
I made shrimp tacos, a favorite of mine, and it makes me wonder what her favorite food is. There’s so much I don’t know about this girl, and it makes me only want to learn more, even though I damn well know it should probably stay the way it is.