Page 54 of Bama's Babe

They’re like a well-oiled machine, years of dealing with the unexpected teaching them hard life lessons.

“Hold her steady,” Dracus orders, his eyes not leaving Jordyn for a second.

Bolt’s hands are swift but gentle as he wraps the rags around her wrists.

Blood is everywhere, soaking through the makeshift bandages almost instantly.

“Is it working?” I ask, desperation clawing at my throat. My heart’s pounding so loud I can barely hear myself think.

“Not enough,” Bolt mutters through gritted teeth. “But we gotta try.”

I look at Jordyn’s face, pale and lifeless. This isn’t happening. It can’t be.

Just a few hours ago, she was laughing, teasing me about my Southern drawl. Now she’s . . .

“Stay with us, Jordyn,” I whisper, my voice cracking. “Stay with us, babe,”

“Keep pressure here,” Dracus instructs, guiding my trembling hands to one of her wounds. His touch is firm, grounding me. “We can’t let her bleed out before they get here.”

“Got it,” I say, focusing on the task. The warmth of her blood seeps through my fingers, sticky and terrifyingly real.

“Dammit, where’s that ambulance?” Zane growls, looking up from his phone.

He’s pacing, eyes darting between the door and Jordyn. Every second feels like an eternity.

“Just hang on a bit longer,” I murmur to her, as much for myself as for her. “Help’s comin’.”

“Here,” Bolt says, shoving another rag into my free hand. “Switch it out when this one gets soaked.”

“Right.” I nod, trying to keep my hands steady. Focus. Breathe. She needs me.

“Listen up,” Dracus says, his voice cutting through the tension. “When they get here, we make sure they know she’s the priority. No delays, no bullshit about what happened.”

“Understood,” I reply, locking eyes with him.

We don’t even know what the fuck happened. The only person that does is Jordyn, but I could take a guess.

“Stay with us, Jordyn,” I whisper again, pressing down harder on the wound. “We’re gonna get you outta this. I promise.”

“Move aside,” Tex barks, shoving through the tension-thick air like a bulldozer.

His eyes are wild, but there’s a method to his madness. In his hand, he’s clutching a bottle of super glue.

“Tex, what the hell?” Dracus snaps, but Tex is already dropping to his knees beside Jordyn.

“Trust me,” Tex growls, popping the cap off the bottle. “It’s gonna help.”

“Do it,” I say, my voice raw from shouting and fear. Anything that can keep her with us a moment longer.

“Hold her steady.” Tex’s hands move with surprising gentleness as he applies the glue to her wrists, sealing up the worst of the cuts.

The bleeding slows, almost miraculously. I can’t even process it—just relief mingled with terror.

“Good thinkin’,” Bolt mutters, eyes wide as he watches the blood flow lessen. But we’re not out of the woods yet.

“Ambulance is close,” Zane announces, his phone glued to his ear.

He’s been our lifeline, keeping the world outside updated while we fight to keep Jordyn alive in here.