Page 43 of Bama's Babe

The airport’s busy, people scurrying around like ants on a mission.

I spot Zorro and Axel almost immediately—hard to miss those two with their leather cuts and imposing presence. Their ol’ ladies, Ruby and Rosa, are right beside them.

“Hey, brothers!” I call out, leaning out the window.

“Bama,” Zorro grins wide, slapping Axel on the back. “Look who decided to show up.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I smirk, hopping out of the truck. “Traffic was a bitch.”

“Sure it was,” Rosa says, giving me a knowing look.

She steps forward, wrapping me in a tight hug. “Missed you, little brother,” she whispers in my ear. Her voice is soft but carries that edge of steel I’ve always admired.

“Missed you too, sis,” I reply, squeezing her back before pulling away.

Rosa isn’t technically my blood, but she’s the closest thing to a sister that I have.

“Let me help get your stuff loaded up,” I say, eyeing the bags at their feet.

“Axel, help him out,” Rosa orders, crossing her arms.

Axel grumbles but moves to grab the bags anyway.

“How’s Billings been treating you?” Zorro asks as the three of us load up the truck bed.

“Better than expected,” I admit, wondering how much I should tell him. “I got a good thing going here.”

“Good to hear,” Zorro claps his hand on my shoulder, his grip firm. “We need all the stability we can get.”

“Tell me about it,” I mutter under my breath.

Axel grumbles at the ladies, slamming the tailgate shut. “I think that’s everythin’. What is with you two packin’ so much shit for a few days trip?”

“Let’s roll then,” I say, climbing back into the driver’s seat.

They pile into the truck, Rosa taking the passenger seat beside me. She looks out the window, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Feels good to be back,” she murmurs.

“Yeah,” I agree, starting the engine. “it’s nice to have you all back, even if the trip is a short one.”

As we drive away from the airport, the conversation shifts to business—club matters, updates from the Mexico charter, plans for Dex’s graduation party tomorrow.

Rosa asks suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts. “How’s Jordyn?”


I told her Jordyn and I were dating in confidence.

No one else knows.

“She’s . . . amazing,” I admit, dropping my tone a tad. There’s a warmth spreading through my chest. “Uh, it’s not known around the club yet. We’re keeping it on the DL.”

“Ah, shit, I’m sorry.” she cringes, seeing where she messed up.

“It won’t be on the DL for long,” Zorro pipes up.

I glance in the rear-view mirror, “It better. We aren’t ready to let the cat out of the bag yet.”