Page 33 of Kiss me Forever

I sleepily smile at him. “This is a perfect first night,” I reply.

“You are everything,” he says before kissing me.

“I was going to say the same to you.”

I’m too hot for covers, but I’m unwilling to release Magnus so I snuggle against him, close my eyes, and look forward to dreaming. Since being with this man all of my dreams have become reality. I’m going to dream for the rest of my life.

Chapter Twenty


Living with Magnus for the past month has been utter bliss. I know it’s ridiculous how happy I am, that everyone is most likely sick of hearing how wonderful life is, but I can’t help it. I love this man, and living with him has been a dream come true. I don’t need more than what I have right here and now.

It’s been so easy sharing a home with him, easy and comfortable. It reminds me of when Livie and I moved in together. It was seamless. The only thing better now is that I get to be utterly satisfied every single night living with Magnus. No toys needed.

Magnus and I have found a rhythm that feels like perfection. Tonight we’re hosting another library fundraiser. I try to do two a year. I don’t want to scare people away, but we want the library to thrive, and that takes funds. Magnus has offered to fund it all, but I won’t allow that. I want this library to belong to the community, want it to be a part of all of them.

I put the finishing touches on my face, then stand back and look in the mirror. I feel good. I love my new flowy dress. I like to use a lot of bright colors at the library. Not only does it make me happy, but the kids love it. I want the grownups happy in the library, but more than anything I want to inspire the younger generation.

Magnus has left to pick up his mother so he’ll meet me at the library. I love that she and Bianca are coming, love how much they’ve embraced me. I feel like a part of their family, and it’s a great family to be included in.

When I park and walk to the closed off street in front of the library, I’m smiling. This is nothing new, but my grin is even bigger than normal. Everything’s set up perfectly. The guests are eating, laughing, and already having a great time as they look at the tables filled with baskets for the auction coming later. Music is playing and the dance floor has children on it, giggling, and having a wonderful time. From my first moment here, it’s already a success. I find Livie with her hand in Tyler’s and make a beeline toward them.

“This is incredible, Piper,” Livie says as she gives me a hug. “I’ve been here for twenty minutes already, and have eaten a corn dog, cotton candy, and fried bananas. The circus theme was brilliant.”

“I’m so happy with how it all looks. I was here forever setting up earlier, but then couldn’t decide on what to wear. Sorry I’m late,” I tell her.

“You look stunning. But you could wear a potato sack and be beautiful,” she tells me.

“I have to agree with Livie. You two are the most beautiful women here,” Tyler says as he hugs me. It’s been so fun seeing them together. They were meant to be.

“Even with how fat I am,” Livie says as she pats her very large belly.

“You’re gorgeous,” Tyler says. The way he looks at her shows he means these words. Livie was so scared when she found herself pregnant, but it’s all worked out beautifully.

I feel Magnus before I see him, and turn to see him walking forward with his mother holding his arm. I grin at how adorable they look together. Isabella lets go of Magnus and moves to me, immediately pulling me in for a full bodied hug that always makes me feel so loved.

“You look beautiful,” she tells me. My eyes sting as she kisses each of my cheeks. “You need to eat some of these fried foods. You still need some more meat on your bones.” This makes me laugh.

“I plan on eating a bit of everything. It won’t be as good as your food, but it will fill the tummy,” I assure her.

Livie steps up. “I’ve been so excited to meet you. I’m Livie, Piper’s best friend. I hear you’re the world’s greatest cook.”

“Ah, a woman after my own heart. You must come eat with us for Sunday dinner,” Isabella tells her.

“I’ve been praying for an invitation. I’ll be there,” Livie tells her.

“When will this beautiful baby make an appearance?” Isabella asks.

“Two more months. Though I might be carrying triplets with how big I’m getting,” Livie says with a laugh as she rubs her belly.

“You have a beautiful round belly where your baby is nice and safe and warm,” Isabella assures her. I feel a slight pang at the thought of carrying my own baby, something I’ve never really thought about before. Livie really does carry a glow about her these days, though, and I love it. Maybe someday it will be me.

We’re interrupted as more people arrive, everyone wanting to say hello. We move around the crowd, visit with patrons, generous donors, and try a bit of all the appetizing food.

Bianca shows up with a grand entrance, and instantly has every single man at the party staring at her with their mouths dropped. She rushes forward and hugs her brother and then me before she steps back with a mysterious smile.

“So, you guys are officially living in sin, breaking mamas heart. When is there going to be a proposal? I’m ready to be an aunt,” she boldly says, making my cheeks heat to molten levels. I try to pretend I didn’t hear what she said as I quickly look to the ground. It’s far too soon to be talking about weddings.