I raise my arms and give a big stretch to make room for one more slice of pizza. I quickly grab it and take a bite before picking up the remote as I search through the television for a perfect Romcom to watch with my bestie. We’ve been visiting for the past two hours, gorging ourselves on food, me drinking a bit too much wine, her slamming down the juice, and catching up with each other’s lives since we’ve both been gone far too much lately. We’ve gone from roommates to barely seeing each other. It's because we’re both in fairly new relationships and living off the high of that right now.
The wine might be loosening up my tongue more than usual. “Can you believe I’ve been dating Magnus for three months now?” I say.
“Yes, I totally believe it because I see the way the man looks at you. No matter where you are in a room, his eyes follow like he can’t believe how lucky he is to be with you,” Livie tells me. I give her a huge grin.
“He’s so amazing, Liv. I was scared of doing this, but I can’t imagine what it would be like without him now. He’s merged into my life, and I love it.”
“You’re so smitten,” she says. “Have either of you spoken the big L word yet?”
My smile falters a bit. “No, neither of us have said that to each other. I’m scared to mess it all up. We’re in this amazing bubble at the moment that seems so delicate. I’m afraid of rocking the boat and popping it.”
Livie gives me a playful roll of her eyes. “I remember the bubble. It’s a scary thing to have around us, but I think you’re past the bubble. As a matter of fact, I think there’s a steel fortress around the two of you that no one can get through.”
“It feels like that, but look at all the examples around us of couples we’ve thought are head over heels in love, and then poof, it ends. I can’t imagine how horrible that would be if it happened with Magnus. I’d be devastated if he never showed up again.”
“That’s why so many people are afraid to fall in love. The beginning is wonderful, but the end can be devastating. The thing is, though, you aren’t alone. Even if for some reason things don’t work out, you have me and an entire community to surround you with love. It’s good to be in love, and great that you’re happy together, but you have to always remember a life outside of him as well. The biggest problems I see with people is that they wrap their lives so tightly around their loved ones, that they then don’t know how to live without them. We can’t control what might happen, a break-up, an accident, a loss of feelings. We just don’t know. But we’ve always promised ourselves to live in the moment, and I don’t want to give up on that.”
“Logically I understand that, but emotionally it terrifies me,” I admit.
“Think about the good. What are some of the highlights of your time with this man? There is so much to choose from, I don’t know if you can pick,” she says.
I smile as I think of all the wonderful moments I’ve had with Magnus. “I don’t know where to begin. It’s been the big and small. I loved our helicopter ride, our trip to Catalina, and the fundraiser was magical. I’ve also enjoyed the more intimate moments as well. He arranged the picnic in the park, complete with my favorite southern cooked foods, and a live magician playing the song that played at the fundraiser the night I decided to go home with him again.”
“Ugh, I’m a bit jealous. Tyler’s romantic, but I think Magnus might be beating him,” Livie says.
“I definitely think so. I know he has money and can do things others can’t, but it’s the thought behind what he does that impresses me so much. The night he rented out the entire ice-skating rink just so we could have it to ourselves was pure magic. He skates incredibly well, and anytime I’m in his arms I feel like I’m home.”
“Who would’ve known Magnus Carter, the grump you met over a year ago would turn out to be such a romantic man,” Livie teases. “I think it’s all about you. He’s under a spell and he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
“I’m shocked at how romantic he is. I’m praying it will last forever. He’s thoughtful, attentive, and always finds ways to make me feel needed and special. He’s brought coffee and pastries to the library multiple times, and he puts down his work to really listen to me. I know as a workaholic myself how hard that is to do. I guess, I just love feeling seen, like when I’m in the room nothing else matters. He’s so easy with everyone too. He can talk to a child or a businessman, and make them feel equally special. It’s quite impressive. Plus, I adore his mother and sister. They’re incredible.”
“I can’t wait to meet his mother. I can’t believe you’ve been hiding her cooking from me. That breaks the best friend code,” she scolds.
“I’ll talk to Magnus about it. I know Isabella would love to have you over. She adores cooking for people and she’ll absolutely love you. She’s the mother I wish I would’ve had growing up.”
“You’re easy to love so of course she loves you,” Livie says with a wave of her hand. “You too often undervalue yourself. I know you’re full of sunshine, but you also have those scars from childhood that you might think are healed but can rip open at unexpected moments. You need to remember that you’re smart, kind, and beautiful. This man and his family would be crazy not to be in love with you.”
I hug her. “You have to say all of this to me as my best friend.”
“You’re my best friend because of all of this.”
I smile, feeling warmth settle in me. “I love you, Livie. You always boost my confidence.”
“See how easy it is to speak those three little words. Now maybe you should say them to one sexy man who I’m sure would love to hear them,” she tells me.
I laugh again. “We’ll see what happens. I don’t need to rush. In saying that, the words might rush from me without my will. I’m holding it inside now, but it’s got to burst out at some point. I guess if it scares him then it isn’t meant to be.”
“I agree with you. There’s no reason to be afraid when it’s more than clear you’re passionate about each other. That fortress around you two will protect you both. Have you had any talks about the future?”
“We talk about lots of things like trips and future plans, but not really our future. It’s just sort of assumed that we’re going to be together. At first this scared me, but I’m getting used to it now.”
“Three months seems like no time at all, but I know a lot of people who have gotten engaged after three months, so it might seem like a blink, but when you’re with someone you want to be with, you just know. That’s how it is with you and me. From the first day we met we were besties. By the three-month mark, we were set for life. I don’t see why it can’t be the same way with a man,” she says.
I finish my pizza slice, and though I’m full I reach in and grab another piece. I like having it in my hand, and I simply love pizza. I can’t ever get enough. It’s good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. “Okay, I have a lot to think about, but this entire night has been all about me. I need to hear what you’ve been doing lately . . . besides Tyler,” I say with a laugh.
Livie laughs with joy as she grabs the bowl of candy and throws some chocolates in her mouth. “I do love doing Tyler, but when he’s not making me scream, I’ve been having some fun cases lately. My favorite is an eighty-year-old spry grandmother who’s taken her case all of the way to court, refusing to settle, which the store wanted to do.”