Page 16 of Kiss me Forever


Never did I think I’d be walking into a library at eight in the evening on a Friday night, but here I am, stepping inside to the sound of laughter and cheerful chaos with kids running around and parents animatedly chatting.

Piper has outdone herself by organizing this “lock-in” event. The place has been transformed with decorations, game stations, and cozy reading corners. I love her dedication and passion when it comes to her job. Never did I think someone could find such happiness with being a librarian, but she was born for it.

I spot her immediately as I always do. If she’s anywhere near my vicinity, I can feel her. I’ve never been so drawn to another person in my life. At the moment she’s busy directing a group of volunteers. She looks up and her eyes sparkle as she sees me. She might want to pretend nothing is happening between us, but I’ve seen her guard come down, and her warm smiles make my heart skip beats each time I see it. We’re meant to be together, meant to follow whatever this is between us all the way through. There’s no use fighting it. I make my way toward her, needing to be close.

It’s odd, because even a week ago, I was thinking of this as temporary, but instead of my feelings for her dimming, they are growing stronger. I’m not afraid of what I’m feeling. I don’t understand it, and can’t fathom how I can make such abrupt changes in such a short time, but there’s something magical about this woman. All I know for sure is I’d be a fool to walk away. So here I am, and I’m incredibly pleased about it.

“You haven’t gotten enough of this library,” she says when I’m standing in front of her.

I laugh. “It seems to be the case. I hold up the box of supplies Mrs. Hargrove asked me to bring. “Where do you want me?” Her eyes flash, and my imagination goes wild. I can think of some private places the two of us can go to together. From the look on her face, she’s thinking the exact same thing. We truly do have some out of this world chemistry that keeps on growing stronger.

She looks away from me and glances around the busy room. She then points to a corner where a group of kids are eagerly waiting for their next game. “If you can take care of the games over there with the older kids, that would be great. I can see them practically jumping up and down. You’ve made an impression on them already.”

“I like kids more than I realized,” I tell her.

“Mrs. Hargrove said you’re taking care of the scavenger hunt for the little ones, so that group will help you hide the items,” she says.

“Done,” I tell her. I desperately want to lean down and kiss her. It’s been far too long since our last one. I tell myself to be patient. This is a long game. We have plenty of time.

I turn and head over to the excited teens. It’s great to see them here on a Friday night instead of getting into trouble. Their younger siblings are bursting at the seams, and events like these bring families together. It reminds me of my own childhood. I think I’m going to bring Piper to visit my family. This should scare the hell out of me, but it doesn’t. I know without a doubt she’ll love my mother, and my mom will be picturing our wedding after one dinner. Again, this should scare me . . . but oddly, it doesn’t.

The teens and I spend the next thirty minutes hiding the items I’ve brought, and then we pull the younger ones together and start the scavenger hunt. It goes even better than expected as the kids rush around following their clues, their laughter echoing through the library. I love giving out the hints and cheering them on as I visit with the adults who I’ve done a pretty good job at charming.

The thing is, it’s real. I like this community, like this library. I really like the woman in charge. I’ve been feeling more joy these past few weeks than I have in a very long time. Maybe there is something to be said about falling for the right woman.

When the scavenger hunt is over, I move to the arts and crafts station and find myself making rainbows, clouds, and other art with paint, cotton balls, and fun materials. I’m praised for my artistic talent which looks great to six years olds. I don’t think I’ll be changing careers anytime soon, though.

There are some impressive bookmarks made, and I’m covered in glitter, and I’m still having a wonderful time. Seeing the kids joy is bringing me so much more pleasure than it should, or that it would’ve even a few months ago.

“I like your rendering of a dragon,” Piper says as she sits down next to me and picks up her own bookmark and begins to decorate. Two months ago, I would’ve told a person they were crazy if they’d told me I’d be on a date making bookmarks surrounded by children, but here I am, not only doing it, but having a great time.

Piper’s fingers brush against mine as I hand her a glue gun, and I feel the familiar zap of electricity flow through me. As much fun as I’m having, I wouldn’t mind throwing her over my shoulder right now and taking her somewhere a heck of a lot more private. The longer I’m around this woman the more I want to be with her. The fact that we haven’t been alone in weeks is starting to kill me. I’ve been trying to take this slow, trying to make her fall for me, but my patience will run out. I need this woman more than I’ve ever needed another.

She finishes her bookmark, then flits away to help somewhere else. I find myself again in the storytelling corner, reading a dragon book to a large group of kids. I like reading, like changing my voice and bringing a story to life. I also like looking up to find Piper’s eyes on me, admiration and a bit of lust in her gaze. Who knew that reading children’s books would get a woman to fall for me. Piper is so different from the usual women I’ve dated. I think this is what makes me like her that much more.

As the evening progresses, I constantly look for Piper, and she does the same. Our eyes connect over heads, and I can pick her voice out of the crowd no matter where I am. We’re drawn to each other and that has to be speaking to her as much as it is to me.

My sister would be enjoying this so much. Never in my life have I tried so hard to make a woman fall for me. Women, just as life, has always come easy for me. Piper is anything but easy. I now realize this isn’t just about the thrill of the chase either. I want to know her. We have chemistry, that can’t be denied, but we have more than that too. I like this woman, like how she makes me feel about myself. Everything about this is exciting.

As the evening begins to wind down with some of the younger children growing sleepy and leaving, Livie approaches me and pulls me into a quiet corner. She gives me a long look that makes me want to squirm on my feet, another thing I’m not used to.

“What’s up, Livie?” I ask, giving her my most charming smile that seems to work on everyone — everyone, that is, except for Livie and Piper.

She gives me a long look. “You’re charming, Magnus Carter, but don’t think that will work on me,” she says.

“Have I done something wrong?” I ask.

“I don’t know yet,” she tells me. Then she gives me a long, assessing look. “I want to know what your intentions are with my best friend?”

“I like a woman who comes to the point,” I tell her.

“That’s not an answer.”

I decide to be honest. “I like her. I really like her. For the first time in my life, I want more than a one-night-stand. I want to see where things can lead with Piper. I can honestly say I’ve never felt this way before.”

She studies me for so long I feel myself wanting to fidget. Then she smiles. “Good. Piper deserves someone who appreciates her, and who truly cares about her. I have a good feeling about you, Magnus. I see the way you look at her.” She pauses again. “You better not hurt her, though, or you’ll have to deal with me.”