Page 14 of Kiss me Forever

“Oh, Honey, if you’re halfway there, distance won’t help. You’ll simply obsess about the man. Trust me, I know this well. It didn’t work out so well for me when I was putting myself through hell. But it did work out in the end when I stopped fighting myself. Learn from my mistakes,” she demands as she sits next to me.

“It’s different. Tyler was so into you, and he proved that he loved you, that it was about so much more than a fling.”

“Not in the beginning. He broke my heart, but the heart wants what it wants, and I’ve never been so happy with my budding family. The only thing that can possibly bring me more joy is to see you just as happy as I am,” she says.

I give her a smile. “We both know that fantasies never live up to reality,” I tell her. “Honestly, I’m glad I spent the night with him. He was wonderful at the event, and the lovemaking is out of this world. But we live in two different worlds.”

“You’re giving up too easily. You met this man a year ago, and he’s here again. That means he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind. It could mean as much to him as it does to you. What if you’re the one he’s been looking for without knowing he was looking?”

“In my favorite books, that’s how it would be,” I tell her with a laugh. “But as much as we both love fiction, we also know we live in the real world. I don’t want to go too far over into fantasy.”

“You’re the one who always says we must use our imaginations,” she challenges.

I think about her words, considering them. We sit in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air between us. She knows when to speak and when to give me a moment to let everything process in my frazzled brain.

Before more conversation can happen, there’s a knock on the door that sends my heart immediately racing. I groan as I stay where I am wondering if it’s Magnus. He told me he’s going to give me time, but his idea of time and mine might be totally different. I look at Livie.

“It’s your door,” she says, not moving. I reluctantly get up and go to the door. When I open it, there’s a delivery driver holding a huge bouquet of flowers, and a bag.

“Sign here please,” he says, handing me a paper. I sign it, and he hands over the items, then turns and disappears, not waiting for a tip. There’s no doubt this is from Magnus, and the tip was generously included.

“What is it?” Livie asks as she jumps up and looks in the bag.

“I don’t know,” I say. I set the gorgeous flowers on the table, then open the bag and find a variety of chocolates and a velvet box. Sweat beads on my brow as I open the box to find a stunning pair of diamond and ruby earrings that most likely cost more than my monthly salary, or many months of my salary. I’m trembling.

“Oh girl, keep this man,” Livie says as she examines the earrings. They’re really beautiful.

“I can’t keep these,” I tell her, but I want to put them in my ears right now.

“Yes, you can!” Livie insists. She grabs one, and before I can stop her, she inserts it in my ear. “Gorgeous. They were made just for you.” She puts the other one in and I walk to the mirror, completely in love with the inappropriate gift.

I move to my phone and text Magnus. What is the man thinking? What am I thinking? Who in the heck knows.

Me: This is way too much. I can’t keep these earrings.

His reply is fast.

Magnus: You will keep them, and this is only the beginning.

Livie claps her hands in excitement, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “I’m going to have so much fun watching this man break down every wall you’ve ever built. He might just be your match.”

The truth of her words hit me like a sword. I think he’s already broken down my walls. I also don’t think he’s going to give me time to put them back up again. I’m in serious trouble where this man’s concerned, and I’m starting to realize, I like trouble. Livie might just be right, this could be just the beginning. I have no idea what else Magnus has in store for me. Whether I’m ready to admit it or not, I’m looking forward to finding out.

Chapter Nine


I never have a difficult time with my daily routine. I absolutely love my life, and my job is a key part of it. After one magnificent night with Magnus, though, and I find myself off kilter. I try to throw myself into my daily routine, coming to work and catching up with friends.

It seems, though, that no matter how hard I try to stay in my own lane, my thoughts keep drifting back to Magnus. It’s been three days without a single call, text, or visit from the man. I should be glad about this, relieved even, but instead, I find myself missing him. It’s driving me absolutely insane. It doesn’t help that every hour Livie asks if I’ve spoken to him. I’ve started changing the subject, hoping she’ll take the hint.

On Thursday, four days since I’ve spoken to the man, I’m in the library putting away books when it feels like a cool wind blows in. I know he’s here before I turn around as a shudder passes through my body. This is insane. How can I know he’s here without a word being spoken, without seeing him?

“Good morning, Piper,” he says, standing right behind me. I slowly turn to see he’s carrying a tray of coffee and a bag filled with donuts, his smile absolutely captivating. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him. Mr. Grumpy seems to have turned into Mr. Sunshine. What is happening here? I’m the one frowning. I’m always the happy one. I force a smile that turns real much too quickly. I like the sight of him.

“Hello, Magnus. What do you have there?” I ask as I look at his loaded arms.

“I thought this crew could use a little pick-me-up,” he says.