“A librarian? How quaint,” Chloe says, exchanging a look with Margarette. “So, you’re advising Magnus on the joys of reading?”
Magnus’s hand is on my thigh, his fingers sending delicious tingles through my body, taking some of the sting out of the words these women are spewing at me. They might be looking down on my job, but I don’t think he is. That doesn’t mean he wants more than tonight, but for now, in this moment, his attention is for me, and me alone. This gives me even more confidence. I again smile at the catty women.
“Piper is very knowledgeable, and I value her opinion,” Magnus says, letting everyone at the table know they should be careful. As much as I appreciate him being a knight, I don’t need one. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time.
Margarette’s eyes narrow the slightest bit. “It’s always so fascinating for me to see people together from such different . . . backgrounds,” she says with just enough hesitation to tell me she might be wanting to use different words. She basically looks at me like I’m one of the charities she’s so generously giving to. The only reason this woman gives anything is to make herself look better. I can understand what a very difficult task that is to achieve.
I keep my smile in place, not allowing her words to puncture me. “Books certainly have a way of bringing people together from all cultures and backgrounds.” I turn and look at Magnus, wanting to shift the attention away from me. If this event was nothing but this dinner I’d be having a miserable time. Thankfully this will only make up an hour of the event.
“What books are being auctioned tonight?” I ask him. “I’m looking forward to seeing them.”
Magnus gives me a beautiful smile. With his full attention focused on me, and his hand caressing my thigh, I’m a puddle at his feet. “We have a variety of rare and first editions, including some classic literature and a few modern signed copies.” He looks back at the women. “Piper will help me choose the best ones to add to my collection.”
“It’s a good thing you have deep pockets, Magnus, as these auctions bring out the competitive nature in all of us,” Victoria says with a narrowing of her eyes.
“I’m ready for the challenge, and the more money that can be raised the better,” Magnus shoots back.
The conversation continues, with the women subtly trying to one-up each other, and also teaming up to pull me down. It doesn’t matter, though, because Magnus gives me his unwavering attention, making their barbs slide right off of me.
We somehow make it through our meal, and then the music begins again. A slow number starts, and Magnus stands, extending his arm out to me. “May I have this dance?”
My body flushes at the dark timber of his voice as a thrill rushes through me. I want away from this table and I’d be lying if I said I don’t want to be in his arms. This entire night is so far removed from my real life, that I might as well sink into the fantasy of it all.
I give him a nod as I stand. He leads me to the dance floor, and we begin to sway to the music. I instantly melt into his arms. His touch is gentle yet firm, letting everyone know he’s not going to switch partners, that I’m his, and his alone on this night. He effortlessly guides me to the rhythm of the music, and I’m quickly lost to it all, seeing and hearing no one but him.
“You fit perfectly in my arms,” he murmurs, his breath warm against my ear.
“I haven’t danced for a long time. I’m glad I’m not tripping all over your feet,” I tell him with a nervous giggle as his fingers rest on my lower back sending a shiver down my spine.
“I’ve been looking forward to the dancing part of the evening all night,” he says. He turns me before pulling me even more tightly against his solid body. We really do fit quite well together.
“I didn’t know there would be dancing, but I’m not hating it,” I admit. He’s been so good to me tonight I can give him this much. I’m in an excellent mood, even after the cattiness of our dinner companions.
“Piper, there’s something about you that I can’t get enough of. You’re different from any other woman I’ve met before. I don’t want tonight to end.”
His words send a new cascade of warmth through me. “How am I so different?”
His gaze is locked on mine, and no matter how much I might want to break this spell he has over me, it’s not going to happen. I’m his . . . at least for now. I’m taking the advice of my friends, and I’m going for it. Things most likely won’t work out, but then again, miracles happen every day all around the world. I’d rather have faith and take leaps in life than stay standing still.
“You’re different in all of the best ways possible,” he tells me, his gaze intense. “You’re genuine, intelligent, and absolutely stunning. I enjoy talking to you, and love that you challenge me. My mother and sister are normally the only women ever willing to call me out when I’m wrong.” He gives me a big grin after saying this. “Not that I’m wrong too often.”
My cheeks flush as I chuckle. It’s from his words and the heat of our bodies together. “I don’t try to put on a show. I’m just me,” I tell him. I’m not apologizing for this. I like who I am.
“You’re more than enough,” he softly says, then he leans down, his lips brushing against mine. It’s been a year since his lips have been on mine, and that’s far too long. It feels right, and perfect, and I’m right where I want to be in this moment. I can fight it all I want, but I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I keep resisting him.
The kiss is far too brief as the song ends. A faster number starts, and Magnus leads me away from the dance floor to an outside balcony overlooking beautifully lit gardens. The cool night air is exactly what I need on my flushed body. I need my head to clear.
He pulls me to him again, and then his lips are on mine once more as he cups my cheek in the palm of his hand. My breath is gone as I get lost in his arms, the kiss more passionate than before. I’m his and I don’t care one little bit. Letting go is quite freeing.
When he pulls back neither of us can catch our breaths. “Come home with me tonight,” he demands, his voice filled with promise.
I hesitate, knowing this is a road I told myself I wouldn’t go down. My mind is warring with my body. I think about my friends and the advice they’ve given me. Life really is too short to play it safe all the time. Magnus has been nothing but attentive from the moment he picked me up. He hasn’t been embarrassed at my appearance or cared what his elite friends have had to say. He’s mine right now and no one has the power to pull his attention from me. If we have only tonight, who cares as it’s what I want as much as he does.
“Okay,” I tell him on a whispered sigh. His eyes widen as his lips turn up in a beautiful smile that lets me know I’ve made the right choice. The next few hours are going to drag as I wait to leave to be alone with this man.
We make our way back inside, and I find myself filled with anticipation as the auction begins. Magnus bids, but I don’t think he even knows what he’s bidding on. He’s as eager to leave this event as I now am. His hands are all over me as we sit, his touch stoking the fires burning within me higher and higher. The anticipation of what’s to come is nearly as exciting as knowing it’s coming.
By the time we leave, our bodies are both on fire and conversation stops as if we’re both afraid this spell might be broken if we speak too much. We’re wrapped in a bubble of lust and heat, and there’s only one conclusion that can come out of this. We need tonight, we need to be in each other’s arms. The real world will interfere soon enough. For tonight I want to stay wrapped in our beautiful bubble. I really want to let myself go and fully give myself to this man who can play my body like a fine instrument. What a fool I am to have even hesitated. He’s worth any possible repercussions.