“She’s so perfect with pink cheeks, and ten little toes, and fingers. She looks just like her mama,” Tyler says.
“Oh, it’s so beautiful and strange to hear Livie called mama,” Piper says with a chuckle.
I finally make my way to Tyler. “Congrats,” I tell him.
“Thank you, Magnus. It’s unreal, but the greatest day of my life.”
“I bet it is,” I say.
“They’re moving her into the new room and then you can all come in. Go grab a snack and some coffee and I’ll text you,” Tyler says. There are a few moans, but we all dispense.
We head to the cafeteria, but Piper’s too excited to eat anything so she simply picks at her food. When the text finally comes in, she jumps up so fast from the table, she knocks over the tray, making a mess. I laugh as I kneel down and start picking up the items.
Her cheeks flush. “I’m so sorry. I guess I’m excited,” she tells me as she helps.
“You go ahead, I’ll get this cleaned up,” I tell her.
“No, four hands will get it done sooner.” We quickly clean the mess up then jog through the halls to the elevator. She’s a bit out of breath as she jumps in then stomps her foot as she waits for it to ascend. She rushes into the bathroom on the floor to scrub her hands, and then we’re off again as we move straight to Piper’s room.
The anticipation is palpable as we approach the door. When we step inside, the scene before us takes my breath away. Livie is sitting up in bed, looking exhausted, but radiant as a tiny bundle rests in her arms.
“Oh, Livie, she’s beautiful, absolutely perfect,” Piper says as she carefully moves forward. She’s been going at warp speed until now.
“She’s six pounds, nineteen inches of pure perfection,” Livie says as she runs a finger over her daughter’s sleeping cheek. “Come closer and take your niece.”
Another tear falls down Piper’s cheek as she moves right next to the bed, her face filled with awe. She reaches down as Livie hands Julie to her. She cradles the baby to her chest, and I feel like a freight train has just slammed into me at the pure awe and love on Piper’s face. She looks up at me and smiles before turning her attention back to the baby in her arms. I feel honored to be standing here.
“I can’t believe she’s here, that we’re finally getting to hold her,” Piper whispers.
Livie chuckles. “I can’t believe it myself. It’s going to take some adjustment not carrying her around on the inside.”
Piper looks over at Tyler as he stands with his brothers who all look in awe. “How is dad holding up?”
He looks at her with wonder. “Wow, dad,” he says then chuckles. “I’m in heaven and a bit of disbelief. I didn’t know it was humanly possible to be filled with this much love.”
“She is something else,” Piper says. “I’m so happy for both of you.”
I watch Piper as she sits in the chair close to Livie, and this is when I realize with perfect clarity that I can’t wait to start a family with her. The thought of her carrying our child is such a craving, I don’t know if I’ll think of anything else after this moment. The only thing that can possibly make our lives better than what they are now is by having a miniature version of Piper in my own arms. Now I know what my mother has been talking about for so long.
I’m fully in love with Piper, an absolute love that can’t possibly be broken. What we have is something special, and having children together will only make it better even though that seems impossible. This woman is meant to be a mother. She’s loving, kind, beautiful, compassionate, and so much more. I’ve won the lottery.
“Do you want to hold her, Magnus?” Livie asks. I shake my head as I take a step back, making everyone chuckle.
“I’ll wait until I’m sure I won’t break her . . . maybe ten years,” I say with a laugh. I do move over to Piper and reach down and take Julie’s tiny hand in my finger. Her hand is too small to wrap around one finger. It’s crazy to think she’ll grow and grow and be an adult someday. I don’t know how it’s possible.
“You two look pretty good with a baby in the middle of you,” Livie says with a wink my way. She might think she’s going to make me sweat, but I’ve been thinking the same thing.
“I might have to agree with you on that,” I tell her, making her look at me in shock.
Piper looks up and smiles at me, and I lean down and give her a brief kiss. Right here and now with us surrounded by new life and love, I know my life’s come full circle. Piper and I are barely even beginning, and I can’t wait to continue on with our lives.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“Piper, you must have multi-colored roses,” Isabella exclaims as she waves a bridal magazine in the air. Her enthusiasm is beyond infectious, and I can’t help but laugh as I shake my head.
We’re at my beautiful home I share with Magnus, and this is day three of wedding planning. I want to marry Magnus yesterday, but his family, and Livie, say we must have an elaborate, beautiful wedding. I wouldn’t mind a courthouse wedding, but this is unacceptable to everyone. Magnus hasn’t even tried to offer an opinion. He grew up with a stubborn mother and sister and knows when to offer an opinion and when to sit back and listen. It’s just another reason I love the man.