I might one day just be a volunteer at the library, but it’s something I’ll never give up fully even if I do end up with a somewhat successful publishing career. I want to always have my cake and eat it to. Who doesn’t want to eat cake? Weird people, that’s who.
Today is one of my library days and I’m looking forward to seeing the kids, my regular patrons, and hopefully, Livie. The closer she comes to delivery day, the less she’s been out and about. She had a really easy pregnancy in the beginning, but her tummy is getting huge, and she has a tiny figure so her back’s now killing her. I can’t wait to hold my niece for the first time. It will be pure magic.
I glow as I walk through my favorite doors inside the library. I stop in my tracks as I see Mrs. Hargrove sitting at the front desk wearing a Batgirl mask. I let out a chuckle as she beams at me.
“Did I miss a dress up day?” I ask.
“You didn’t get the memo?” she asks. I shake my head. I’ve moved to part time, but I still make the schedule, and I don’t remember any events this year. I turn and look around the room where multiple people are wearing some form of costume. Then a group of kids are sitting around a table all wearing costumes.
“How did I miss this? Maybe I’m on my computer too much,” I say confused. “Should I go home and change?”
“You’re just fine,” Mrs. Hargrove tells me. I always dress up when we have events, but I swear there was no event today. The kids all say hello to me, and I smile at them before moving to their table to tell them how adorable they look.
After visiting with the kids, I move around the library and talk to some of my patrons, the sound of excited chatter and giggles filling the air. Something’s happening here, but I have no idea what it is. I’m not used to this at all. I’m quick to join in the fun though. I hand the kids some craft items and ask them to build me a mask. They eagerly accept the challenge. I’m sure I’ll be the most colorful superhero of them all.
I’m watching the kids put together a very creative mask when the Avengers theme song starts playing over our speaker system. I look up with confusion. I notice that everyone’s staring at me. What in the world is happening? I glance at Mrs. Hargrove who’s wearing an even bigger smile than usual. Tingles start running up and down my spine.
The front doors open by a person in an Iron Man costume and another in a Thor costume. Within seconds, a bunch of smoke starts moving through the doorway, blocking the entrance. No one seems worried about this at all, and the fire department isn’t being called.
I’m about to move forward to find out what’s happening when Livie suddenly appears at my side, her face split open with a grin. She’s wearing a very pregnant Wonder Woman costume, her baby bump on full display. I shake my head at her.
“What in the heck is happening?” I ask.
She winks at me. “Have patience,” she says. “You aren’t the only one who can throw a killer event.”
“I’m the only one who throws events here,” I tell her with a laugh.
“Not today,” she says. She takes my arm and I squeeze her hand. More tingles flow through me. This can’t possibly have anything to do with Magnus, can it? It has to though as we’ve had many superhero discussions.
Before I can press further, a bunch of what looks like spider webs come shooting inside the room through the front doors. The children scream and laugh as they wind themselves through the webs, twisting their bodies and getting covered in string. I stare at the opening waiting to see what will come next.
Then just like any good superhero movie, Magnus rushes into the room through the smoke and webs . . . dressed as the finest Spiderman I’ve ever seen before, his costume fitting him to perfection, and looking far too sexy for the public to view. Tears spring to my eyes as I take in the sight of him, smiling beneath his mask. He looks ridiculous and sexy and wonderful all at the same time. I don’t think it’s possible for my love to grow any more for this man. It’s already overflowing.
Magnus takes a run through the room, kneeling down and visiting with the kids for a moment who are going out of their minds with excitement. He then stands as he holds up his hand in the air, making the room instantly fall silent besides a few more giggles from the children. He then turns toward me, his expression serious, but his eyes twinkling with a whole lot of mischief, just one more reason I love him.
He strides forward with confidence. “Piper,” he breathes, his voice confident and carrying throughout the library, all eyes on him now. “Some might say this is too soon, but I don’t care. Our relationship has been magical from the beginning, and we’ve both dived in with both feet and learned how to breath beneath the water. When you meet your soul mate, you don’t hesitate, you don’t run away, you come in with eyes wide open, and hearts overflowing. Please save the world with me and be my Mary. As long as I have you by my side there is no kryptonite that can keep me down. Marry me,” he finishes as he kneels before me and pulls out a black box, opening it, showing me the most stunning ring I’ve ever seen before. I’m shaking as he kneels before me with all of my friends, and those I consider family, watching this scene unfold.
I let go of Piper and drop to the floor with him, my legs too shaky to hold me up. My eyes are filled with tears and they spill over. I lean in and kiss him so filled with emotion it will take a moment for me to speak. I pull back.
“Oh, Magnus, that’s a definite yes,” I say. I didn’t know how much I wanted to be his wife until just this moment. “I thought I was happy with things just the way they are, but nothing will make me happier than knowing you’re mine for time and all eternity.”
The room erupts into cheers, the kids jumping up and down in excitement, the adults sniffling and clapping. Tears continue to stream down my face as Magnus places the ring on my hand, a perfect fit, and then he pulls me to him and hugs me. It takes a moment before we can stand. When we do I see that servers have entered the room, all in costume as they hold trays filled with drinks and food. This has turned into a full-blown engagement party. I give a laugh.
“What would you have done if I said no?” I ask with a laugh.
“It would’ve turned into a mourning party,” he says, not looking at all worried. He holds me close. “I had no doubt you’d accept because we’re made to be together. We haven’t ever played games with each other and we’re always honest. There was no other conclusion but this. Neither of us knew how significant our meeting was over a year ago. Me finding you again in this little town was definitely fate. I’ve learned we better not fight fate, words I never thought I’d ever say.”
“I have to agree with you, Mr. Carter,” I tell him. I feel like I’m in a dream as people eat, drink, and laugh, and give us their blessings. It’s the best dream of my life. To dream with our eyes wide open is what life is all about.
“I might’ve gone a little overboard,” he tells me as he munches on a piece of shrimp.
“It’s never too much. I love every second of this,” I tell him. Never did I think I was a grand gestures kind of woman, but I’ve been proven wrong on this. The grander the better.
He smiles before kissing me again. This makes the room erupt into more applause. Livie waddles over to us, her Wonder Woman costume swaying with her movements as she holds onto her back with a wince.
“I guess Magnus is the ultimate party thrower now,” Livie says. “You’ve been replaced. I took a vote with the kids.” I laugh at this. Magnus is pretty damn great at it.
“I might have to put him in charge of all of the parties from here on out,” I say.