A blush steals over my cheeks. “That doesn’t mean we have a future.”
“So, you can’t forgive him?”
Lexi hands me a plate with extra clotted cream on the side and I smile at her. She knows I have a weakness for any sweet thing, and clotted cream is my favorite.
“I think I actually do. I didn’t think I could. What he did hurt me and, worse, it made me doubt myself, but looking back and knowing what I know now, what else could he do? If he’d told me what that prick had on him, I would’ve hated myself as much as him, so he took the only path he could in the situation.”
“Nick Kendrick sounds like an absolute asshole.”
“Yeah, and if I ever come face to face with him, he’s getting more than a baseball bat to the balls.”
“He’d be stupid to mess with Jake and Hunter now.”
“I agree, and from what I understand, he’s been taken care of. I don’t know details but apparently Hank has friends.”
“I love Hank.”
“He’s the coolest father-in-law, and I know Jake loves him like a father.”
“So, last question. Do you love him?”
Pursing my lips I nod. “I don’t think I ever stopped. Even when I hated him, I loved him.”
“Have you told him?”
I shake my head, “No, the last time I told him I loved him, my life imploded. It’s made me nervous to say it again.”
Lexi places her hand over mine in a comforting gesture. “You will when you’re ready.”
“I hope so.”
I dig into the strawberry tart, a moan ripping from my throat just as a commotion at the front door makes me turn to see Hunter walking through with two bags, and Jake behind him carrying Theo. My ovaries almost explode at the site of my handsome Jake and my favorite boy.
“Why are there sex noises coming from my new kitchen and I’m not even in it?” Hunter demands as he drops a kiss on Lexi that makes steam cover the windows.
Jake comes up behind me, wrapping a strong arm around me as his delicious scent surrounds me.
“Missed you, Blossom.”
His lips land on mine and I sigh into him, my body a complete whore for this man.
“Can we not scar my baby son?”
Hunter takes his son from Jake with a smirk, and I allow Jake to pull me into his arms as I sit at the kitchen island on one of those stupidly uncomfortable bar chairs. They do have the advantage of putting me at the perfect height for his lips.
“What you got there?”
His eyes hold mischief that makes me want to do very bad things to him as he looks at me and then my dessert.
“Strawberry tart. Wanna try?”
I forked a small bite between his lips, and he hums his approval and chews. God, the sounds he makes should be illegal. I want to jump him right there and then. Moisture slicks between my thighs at the dark look he’s giving me, the air suddenly charged with desire.
Placing his hands either side of me, so I’m pinned against the island, he dips his head, his lips grazing my ear and making me shiver.
“You’re still my favorite dessert, Cherry Blossom.”
I grip the collar of his shirt. “Why don’t you take me home and show me?”