“I’m not letting you go alone so just shut up and tell me where to go.”
I could argue but I know it won’t do any good, so I just give him directions to Lexi’s old home and let him drive.
It feels weird being here without her. Most of her things are gone, and the house has a sad air of ghosts from another life in it. It’s hard to explain because I’ve spent so much time here with her, with her and Dean, and now it’s like remembering a movie I once watched.
We spend hours looking for clues, some things we pass on to Hunter and his team in the hopes it helps but most of it is as useless as I feel.
Around nine we get the call. Lexi has been found but she’s in a bad way. Theo is still missing. As we race to the hospital, Jake grips my hand tight, as if to quiet my racing thoughts.
When we reach the department, we’re ushered in by Hunter’s security team and find Vivian and Hank with Cassie. I rush toward them and Vivian hugs me close, as Jake hugs Hank. In this, we’re an unbreakable unit. Nothing else matters right now, not the past, not the future, just getting Theo back and making sure Lexi is okay.
“What have they said?” Jake takes charge, asking the question that seems stuck in my throat.
“It’s bad. They brought her in via life-flight. She has multiple injuries, including a head injury.”
“Oh God.” My hand covers my mouth and I sway towards Jake who wraps his arm around my shoulders, holding me up.
“Hunter is speaking to the doctor now.”
Nodding, I let Jake lead me toward a chair and ease me down. Sitting next to me, he pulls me close and I rest my head on his shoulder. He’s my strength right now, when deep down I know he’s my weakness.
We wait for hours, getting updates on Lexi that do nothing to ease my fears. At some point, we get word that they’ve found Theo and Hunter heads out with the team to rescue his son. My best friend is still fighting for her life. That animal beat her head in and left her in the river to die, but she fought. She fought for her son and for the man she loves.
I know that kind of love. I felt it for the man who hasn’t left my side. The difference is Hunter is right there fighting with Lexi, and when it came down to it, Jake didn’t do the same for me.
I mull over his words as the clock ticks and the hours pass. He’d said he didn’t steal the papers and part of me believes that, but it doesn’t matter because he let me take the fall either way, and nothing can excuse that.
Sitting up, I move away from his warmth, knowing that I can’t rely on it. I’d thought I could but it was a lie.
“You doing okay?”
I nod and stand, pretending to stretch, but really it’s because I can’t bear to be near him and not touch him. He’s behaving like the man I fell in love with and it’s confusing me too much when I can’t afford to let myself be sucked in again. “Just stretching my legs.”
I can feel him watching me as I walk to the window and look out over the city. People are going about their lives without any idea of the trauma and drama happening in this room. A phone rings behind me and I twist to see Hank answer. The relief that falls across his face, followed by the smile, tells me all I need to know.
Theo is safe. I wait in silence as Hank speaks and nods, my heart lighter than it has been in a very long time, especially when he announces that Dean is dead. My best friend’s nightmare is over.
Glancing across at Jake, I see him watching me and know that mine is far from over. How can it be when I’m still in love with the devil that broke me?
20. Jake
For the past three weeks, Cherry has ignored every attempt I’ve made to speak with her and it’s grinding my last nerve. Watching Hunter and Lexi recover from the trauma of her kidnapping and injuries has taught me a very valuable lesson and that is that life is short. It’s short and it’s precious and I’m too far gone for Cherry to waste another minute denying how I feel about her. I love her and I’m going to do whatever it takes to get her back. Starting with handling KLM.
“Joe, it’s Jake Marshall. I have a job for you.”
“Jake, long time no hear.”
Joe is a shady character who I met on a case during my first year as a lawyer for Lungo. He’s a fantastic private investigator but even better, he has a rather grey approach to how he gets things done. He’s the man I call when I want something done off the books with no questions asked.
“Yeah, it’s been a while. You still got a contact with the Mancini family? I need a sit-down.”
Silence greets me and I hear Joe sucking on his cigarette before he blows out a breath. “You sure you want that, Jake? Getting in bed with the Mancini family is a big risk because they always make you pay up, and there’s no getting out.”
“Yes. It’s worth it to me.”
“Alright, let me make some calls.”
Joe hangs up without another word and I sit back in my seat. My office at Lungo has always been my happy place. I look out over the city and know that I’ve made it. I’m at the height of my career. I have more money than I’ll ever spend and I’ve earned it. I’ve turned my life around. I’m respected because of my own name now, not just because of my association with the McKenzie family.