“What about me?”
Mac’s brow furrows, not understanding.
“I can spare a few hours now the China deal is done. I can help in the shop a couple of hours a day or even work from there so Cherry has some help.”
Mac regards me with his head cocked. “You sure? This doesn’t seem like your kind of gig. I’m not sure customer relations is in your wheelhouse.”
“Yeah, I can handle it.”
“Let me speak to Lexi but I’m in favor. If nothing else, it will humble you.”
His smirk loosens something in my chest and I know it’s going to be okay. “Says the boy born with a silver spoon wedged in his ass cheeks.”
“Fuck you, asshole.”
Leaving Mac’s place with a sense that something was healing after months of doubt gives me a thrill and the drive to go after what I want next and that’s my Cherry Blossom. Later, I get a text from Mac saying Lexi thinks it’s a great idea and thanking me.
I grin as I get ready for bed thinking of the look on my Blossom’s face when she meets her newest member of staff.
16. Cherry
My hips and butt swing side to side as I sing the lyrics to Cindy Lauper’s classic, ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’. The shop is always quiet between nine and ten on a Monday morning and I take the time to get my head on straight for the week ahead, and it will be a busy one. I have a thousand things to do here, as well as finish planning the baby shower for Lexi and fend off KLM from trying to steal the salon from my mom.
Monday mornings for most people are the beginning of a long week packed with stress, demands, and little fulfillment, but not for me. After Harvard ended so disastrously, I’d thrown myself into making this venture with Lexi work and it has. More than that, it’s thriving and I know a lot of that is because of the drive I have to prove to Jake that I could triumph despite him.
The thought of him sours my mood slightly, but I dance through it, twirling my arms above my head. After our little showdown in the middle of The Atlas, I’d been primed for him to become a thorn in my side but through some subtle probing, I’d found out Hunter had sent him to China to handle a deal there for him, so he could be with Lexi.
The knowledge should have left me feeling relieved, but I can’t deny the twinge of disappointment that came with that revelation. Which only annoyed me and made me hate him more. Doing one final hip wiggle as the song winds up, I spin again and scream as my heart tries to jump out of my chest in surprise and mortification.
Lounging against the antique writing desk that I still haven’t found the right home for is none other than the bane of my life, the devil himself, only he wears Brioni, not Prada. My gaze falls over him hungrily, taking in every muscular inch of his body before finding the smirk on his face that makes me want to commit violence. I become instantly aware that this is the first time I’ve seen him alone since the day he told me he loved me. Since the day he made me believe in something that was all a fairytale, and I don’t mean the ones with hearts and flowers but the Brothers Grimm type with blood and heartbreak. Even on that last morning at Harvard when he dropped my coffee and breakfast to me, others had been around us, so now that was my lasting memory.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I jut my hip and raise a brow, not wanting to show him how much his presence affects me. “What the hell are you doing in my shop?”
Jake takes his time pushing off the desk and prowling toward me like some big jungle cat surveying his domain, but this is my jungle, not his and he doesn’t belong here in my safe place. Jake lets his eyes sweep over me, not hiding his hunger in the least as he lets his desire for me show. My nipples bead and I curse my body’s reaction to him.
I’d worn a cerise pink and white floral mini skirt, which shows off my legs, and a white sleeveless blouse which is cinched at my waist. Hot pink six-inch sandals finish my look as my hair falls around my shoulders. I’d likely pay for the heels later in life, but while I can wear them and feel sexy doing so, I’m going to do just that. My clothes are part of my armor and with Jake here, I need it more than ever.
“You greet all your customers like that, Blossom?”
I can feel my temper bristle at the name that holds so much pleasure and pain for me now. Reminding me of what a fool I’d been to fall for him. “You’re not a customer, you’re an irritant I could do without. So kindly show yourself out, I’m busy.”
Jake smiles at my words, walking closer until we’re breathing the same air, his exhale my inhale, but I don’t step back. I won’t show this man my weakness, even as he crowds me, forcing me to tip my head back to him. Being five feet tall you get used to looking up to people, but mentally he won’t break me. Not ever again.
“That’s why I’m here, Blossom.”
“To irritate me?” I snort because that, I believe.
Jake smiles and I hate that my stomach flips at the sight. “No, because you’re busy. Lexi asked me if I could help you for a few hours a day while she’s laid up resting and I’m happy to help.”
My gaze raked over his ten-thousand-dollar custom suit in disgust. “Lexi would never do that without talking to me first.”
“She said she’d text you.” Jake shrugs one of his big shoulders as if he doesn’t give a fuck either way. Turning from him, I let my hair fan out and brush his chest as I stomp over to my phone and check. Sure enough, there’s a text from Lexi.
Lexi: Hey, you. I’ve managed to sort some help for you in the shop this week. I can’t tell you how much this takes the pressure off me.
Any other time I would’ve told her off or told Jake to shove his help up his bitable ass, but knowing this eases my best friend’s stress after everything she’s been through, leaves me with nowhere to go. I already adore the baby she carries like he was my own, and I’d let Lexi down time and again. I won’t do a single thing to add to her stress.
“She send it?”