Page 17 of Love Lies Bleeding

I’d been halfway out the door when Jake showed up at my dorm, looking gorgeous as always but also slightly sheepish. His entire demeanor had my stomach knotting in dread and my voice coming out warily when I responded. I was already in a pissy mood from spending my entire class on the Gothic Influence of Modern Architecture, listening to the four girls behind me going on about how hot Jake was and how they’d heard he was just dreamy between the sheets and could get a girl off multiple times. It had taken everything in me not to turn around and claw their eyes. Jake wasn’t mine but, increasingly, I was finding I wanted him to be.

“No, because I need to explain my side of things.”

“Okay, this sounds bad.”

I stepped back into my room and closed the door before putting some distance between us and folding my arms. I should have known Jake wouldn’t allow that, he was the most tactile person I knew, and he pulled me down onto my bed to sit next to him, holding my shoulders in his big hands so I had to look at him.

“I punched Brian Wills and broke his nose.”

“What?” I could hear the slight screech in my voice and winced, trying to tone down my reaction as he stroked the bare skin of my arms as if to try and soothe me. “Why the hell would you do that? You could get thrown out?”

His smirk almost made me want to slap it off his dumb, hot face.

“Blossom, nobody is throwing me out, believe me, and he had it coming. He challenged me and then made the fatal error of bad-mouthing you.”

“Don’t call me Blossom. I’m mad at you. You don’t need to defend me, Jake. Do you think it’s the first time someone has talked shit about me? Look at me!” I threw my hands in the air in frustration, knocking his hands from me. “I don’t fit in. I’m the freak with pink hair that looks like her mommy lost her.”

His expression turned thunderous at my words and a hum of energy shifted in the room as his jaw feathered and ground, his eyes closing before he opened them and pinned me in place with his gaze.

“Let’s get a few things straight, Blossom. Nobody, and I mean nobody, talks shit about you, not now and not ever. You are not a fucking freak, you’re damn near perfect and if small-minded assholes can’t handle that and choose to voice that ugly jealousy, then they’ll find themselves facing a fist to the face too.”

I shook my head and fought the urge to lean into him and accept his words. “Jake, you can’t hit every person who doesn’t like me. I’m kind of an asshole sometimes, and I rub people the wrong way. I don’t need your protection.”

“Tough shit, you have it anyway and I made it very clear to everyone who was in earshot that if they messed with you, they messed with me. You’re mine, Blossom. Even if you won’t admit you want me, we’re friends and I protect what means something to me.”

“That’s actually kinda sweet.” Jake ducked his head to catch my gaze a grin on his too handsome face. “You’re still a dumbass for doing it. I’m not worth it.”

Jake pinched my chin between his thumb and finger and forced my head up. “Don’t let me hear you talking bad about yourself again. You’re worth that and so much more. I’ve never met anyone like you, Cherry Baker.”

“Yeah, well, if you’re lucky, you never will again.”

Jake bent so fast I had no time to back away before he nipped my lip and dropped a light kiss there before I could even respond. “I warned you, Blossom, no talking shit about my favorite person or I’ll punish you.”

My heart rate spiked, my nipples hardening as my body tingled at the swift assault on my senses. Jake smirked at my reaction before he stood and walked to the door.

“When is your friend coming back to school?” I’d heard a lot about Jake’s friend, Hunter, but hadn’t met him yet and perhaps Jake needed him back to distract him from me.

Jake frowned, his lips pursing. “Why do you ask?”

“Because then maybe you can bother him instead of me.”

A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he shook his head. “I’ll always bother you, Blossom, and don’t get your hopes up. Hunter needed a second surgery on his leg, so he’s out for another three weeks.”

“Well, damn. I guess I need to keep you entertained for another few weeks.”

“Just looking at you entertains me, Blossom.”

I shook my head, trying to hide my smile at how secretly pleased his words made me, and pushed him out the door. “Go, I need to get to work. And stop calling me Blossom.”


“Cherry pie, did you eat dinner?”

I sit up, shaking the thoughts and memories away as I focus on my mom’s voice. “Yes, Mom, I had a slice of pizza for lunch and I’ll grab some chicken noodles later.”

She tuts, and I brace for the lecture I know is coming.

“Cherry Baker, that isn’t food. You need fruit and veggies and protein or you’re going to get sick.”