“You good, baby?”
I grin at the way she purrs the word and begin to fuck her, sliding in and out of her tight sheath, loving the way she grips my cock, how I can feel her desire for me drip down my balls. Dipping my head, I take her mouth in a wild kiss, her legs wrap around me and hook at the base of my spine, holding me close as I rail into her hard and then slow, before sliding my hand up her middle between her breasts and grasping her throat.
Flexing my hand, her pulse beats against my fingers and I feel the force of her life beat beneath my fingertips. Does it make me fucked up that the thought of controlling her oxygen gets me off? Maybe, but as her eyes sparkle and her chin lifts, I know she wants this as much as me.
“Tap my arm if it’s too much and I’ll stop.”
“I trust you, Jake.”
Nothing else she could have said would have meant so much to me.
“Deep breath.”
Cherry does as I say and I tighten my grip on her neck, cutting off her oxygen. My other hand slips between our bodies, and I stroke her swollen clit as she flails beneath me. My cock is so hard as I slam into her. As her body shakes, her pussy squeezing me like a vice, I release my hold on her neck. Air rushes into her body and a scream tears from her as she comes so hard, she almost breaks my dick off. I can’t hold back and I come on a roar that feels torn from my body like a beast. My vision turns black as intense pleasure sweeps through me. With a sigh, I sag over her, both of us breathing hard, our sweat-slicked skin pressed together as she holds me to her. Cherry strokes my shoulders and back with gentle fingers, causing a ripple of pleasure to shoot through me.
“You okay, Blossom?”
She hums a response and I smile against her sweaty skin before kissing her temple and easing from the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“To get a cloth to clean you up. You have my cum all over you.”
“Come back. I want you all over me.”
Fuck me!
If I die right this second, I’ll be the happiest man in the world. Unable and unwilling to deny her request, I slide back into bed and pull her into my arms, the mess we made drying on her skin and mine, giving me a rush.
“Love you, Jake.”
I smile at her sleepy mumbled words and wonder if she knows she just said them.
Within minutes, I feel her body go slack against me, her slight weight sinking into me in a way I want to feel every night for the rest of my life.
32. Cherry
Running the measuring tape over the entry from the master bath to the dressing room, I make some more notes on my notepad. Jake had an emergency meeting in the city today, so I said I’d be happy to come out here and get started on some more designs and he could join me later.
The truth is, I love this house, and would happily spend every second here. I glance around for my bag as I hear my phone ringing and find it wedged between two cans of paint. Taking it out I expect to see Jake’s name but it’s not him, it’s my mom.
I smile as I answer. “Hey, mom.”
“So you are alive.”
Her words hold censure, but her tone is full of mirth and I love that. She’s been so in favor of me and Jake, even after I confessed to her about our past. She told me that everyone made mistakes and nobody was perfect. It led to a long discussion about me fighting her battles, and how she was fully aware of who he was and thought I should forgive him.
By that point I already had, but I let her think she was the reason. Old habits die hard, and I’ll always want to see my mom happy and shelter her as much as I can. It’s a part of me now, and that is okay because now I have Jake, who can take the strain when it becomes too much.
“Sorry. We’ve been busy with the house and work.”
“That’s okay, Cherry Pie. I just wanted to check in about our girls’ night next week. Frankie is bringing the main course and Lexi the desserts. Do you want to do starters or cocktails?”
It has become a tradition in the last six months for us to have a girls’ night once a month. Each of us brings a course or board with the theme we’d chosen. This week we’re doing Bridgerton-themed boards. Frankie had crashed the first and sulked so hard for not getting an invite that we caved, and he’s become the sole male member of our girls’ nights.
“Hmm, I think maybe cocktails.”