Page 72 of Love Lies Bleeding

Now it’s my turn to wrestle with the green-eyed monster. Jumping up, I dust myself off and give a nonchalant shrug. “Oh yeah, of course. You probably have a date. Wouldn’t want to deprive all those ladies of Jake the playboy.”

His lips twitch, before he breaks into a belly laugh, his hand holding his belly and he throws his head back. “Fuck me. You’re beautiful when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. Why would I be? You’re not mine and I’m not yours.”

A growl slips past his lips as he snags my waist and hauls me into his arms. His lips find mine in a kiss that bleeds any thought from my brain. His hands are firm, his lips soft and familiar, and the scruff on his jaw scratches enough to evoke the memory of what he felt like between my legs.

Pulling back, he cups my face in his hands as I try to wrangle my heart back into a normal rhythm.

“You are mine, and I am yours. I have been since the day we met in that coffee shop, so get used to it.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, just places the helmet back on my head and helps me onto the bike. We ride home in silence but with a new understanding between us that, while unspoken and tentative, feels like the seed from which beauty might grow.

He walks me to my door and hands me my sketchbook and notepad.

“I’ll see you soon, Blossom.”

I watch as he gets on his bike, pulls his helmet on, and turns, giving me a wink that makes my knees wobble, before he pulls the visor down and rides away, taking my equilibrium with him.

24. Jake

Pulling into the underground parking of the building where Mac and Lexi currently live, I feel lighter than I have in a long while. Today had gone better than expected, even though it had taken a turn I hadn’t imagined when I decided to show Cherry my future home. One I hope I’ll share with her one day, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Today had been about forging new connections and, instead, I’d spilled my guts about my biggest shame, or at least one of them. Seeing her cry tears for me gutted me, twisting me up inside. When we were younger she confided she couldn’t cry. Not that she didn’t feel, just that losing her dad somehow had choked that act of releasing grief through crying.

Now, though, she seems to be able to, and I wonder what had triggered it, but suspect it’s something to do with the way I’d hurt her. Rubbing my chest, I try to erase the heaviness of regret. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, but maybe losing Blossom is one I can fix, even if I can’t go back and undo what I did, maybe I can heal her and perhaps myself in the process.

“Jake, I’m so glad you’re here.”

Lexi greets me at the door, looking relaxed and happier than I’ve ever seen her. The woman is a warrior.

“Thanks for the invite.” I handed over the flowers I’d bought for her and the brandy for after dinner, which I know is a favorite of Mac’s, and drop a kiss on her cheek. Lexi is gracious and welcoming, which is more than I deserve.

“These are beautiful. Thank you.”

Mac walks toward me as we move into the lounge, Theo strapped to a carrier around his chest. I grin at him as we share an awkward man hug, careful not to wake the sleeping baby.

“You buy my wife flowers?”

“Yes, but I bought you brandy, so don’t get all jealous. I still love you, too, Mac, but she’s way prettier than you are.”

Mac punches my arm. “Agreed.”

I subtly look around, seeing if I can spot Cherry, but I know she hasn’t arrived yet.

“She’s running late.”

“I didn’t say anything,” I snap as Mac hands me a beer.

His smirk says it all and I shake my head.

“You and Cherry.”

He chuckles and I give him a dead stare. “What about us?”

“I just can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

“Yeah, well, you had a lot going on.”