“You good, sugar? We can do this another day.”
Pasting a smile on my face, I open my eyes and grin at Eddie. “Don’t be silly. I said I’d look at your plans and I will. I’m excited to see them.”
“Appreciate that, but I’m not sure your man does.” Eddie nods his head toward the end of the road, where I see a sleek black bike with a scary ominous rider watching me from beneath his helmet, visor raised.
I clench my thighs as heat floods my body. Even from this distance, our connection is tenable. Like a live wire that pulls between us and sends pulses of electricity bouncing along the line.
“He’s not my man.”
“Yeah, I think he is, sugar.”
I can’t tear my gaze away as I continue my conversation with Eddie who stands at my back. “He hurt me.”
“We all make mistakes, Cherry.”
“I know, but I’m not sure I can forgive him.”
“I’m not sure you have a choice. That man isn’t giving up and the chemistry between you is atomic bomb level.”
“If you mean destructive, then I agree.”
A chuckle is all I get in response as he opens the door to the black Range Rover waiting at the curb. I watch as Jake snaps his visor closed, revs his engine, and rides away with a sense of inevitability that makes a thrill run through me.
22. Jake
I don’t know how a penthouse worth millions can feel like a jail cell, but that’s exactly how it feels as I pace the halls of my home. I can’t stop thinking about Cherry in that fucker’s arms. How she looked at him with such adoration and love.
For some reason, it had never occurred to me that she might be dating someone. Probably because, for me, the second I saw her again, she was all I could think about. Maybe that’s why I’m so uptight, I haven’t gotten laid in months. No other woman holds any interest for me. No other woman even begins to compare with my Cherry Blossom.
I check my watch for what feels like the thousandth time and wonder what she’s doing. Is she writhing beneath him, is she screaming his name? Bile rushes up my throat at the thought, a pain so savage in my gut that I can hardly breathe.
I stride to my home gym and try to work off some of the anger and pain. I run until my legs feel like Jello. I lift weights until my arms shake and still this leashed energy inside me fills my brain with images that make me want to put my head in the blender. I shower and make myself a protein smoothy, not really caring for the taste but knowing my body needs the fuel.
Checking the time again, I see it’s past ten. I wonder if she’s home or if her stunning, pliant body is laid out on his sheets like a gift. Despite my fury, my dick hardens at the thought of her like that. Cherry is a goddess and was always meant to be worshipped, not by other men, but by me and I have to find some way to convince her that what we had was real and that it’s still real.
Grabbing my keys, I head out on the bike, not really sure where I’m going, but needing to be out where I feel free. Ever since the night my sister died, I’ve had this almost uncontrollable urge for fresh air on my face. It’s why I hate to fly long haul, too much time without access to fresh air.
My therapist says it’s because of the fire that killed my baby sister and she’s probably right. It’s also why I never attend bonfire celebrations. The smell of smoke turns my stomach and makes me want to run.
Rounding the corner, I realize I’ve driven to Cherry’s place. Glancing up, I see her bedroom light on and wonder if he’s there. If Eddie Crowe has stolen her away, and my chance of anything with her is gone for good.
My brain rejects that idea, instantly. I didn’t get where I am today by backing down when things get hard and giving up when I want something, and I’ve never wanted anything more than I want Blossom.
Swinging my leg off my bike, I stride toward her door. I wrap my knuckles hard and wait, praying he doesn’t answer the door. I don’t want to fight the biggest star in the music industry right now, but if he’s laid a finger on my girl, I’m gonna break every bone in his hand.
A shadow passes the glass and disappears. I knock again, taking out my frustration on the door. “Blossom, open the damn door before I kick it in.”
“Go away, Jake, I’m busy.”
Gritting my teeth, I suck in breath through my nose. “You better not have that fucker in your bed. I warned you what would happen.” I know for a fact one of two things will happen next. She’ll either call the cops on me, or she’ll answer the door and give me a taste of her anger. I’m banking on the second, but my girl is just wild enough to get me locked up.
Leaning my arm against the top frame, I smile when I hear the lock disengage. I’m smiling when she pulls the door open and gives me a glare that would freeze the flames in hell. I let my gaze travel over her hungrily. Short pink pajamas with red lips and teddy bears all over them. Cute but not what you wear to bed when you have someone with you. At least not unless it’s an established relationship, and she and Eddie didn’t have that vibe.
“Cute pj’s.”
“What do you want, Jake?”