Page 15 of Love Lies Bleeding

He doesn’t even look up as I approach, further disrespecting me, and my blood flushes with heat as I drop my bag, at his feet, and plant my legs wide. “Move.”

Finally, the asshole looks up, his gaze running over me arrogantly, as if he’s trying to provoke a response and he’s going to get his wish.

“No, I don’t think I will.”

The murmurs behind me grow and I crack my neck as he once again turns back to his friends, dismissing me. He’s got balls, I’ll give him that, but his friends seem to notice what he hasn’t yet, and that he’s a big dog but he just picked a fight with a fucking Tiger.

“Move or I make you, and you don’t want that.”

I feel people at my back, wannabes and hangers-on who want to believe they’re my friends and I let them, but we all know I don’t trust them.

“You should move, Brian.”

Brian thrusts back his chair and faces me. I have at least two inches on him and at least twenty pounds in muscle but he doesn’t seem to notice.

“I don’t see no name on the chair, asshole.”

A few people suck in breaths of shock behind me and I can feel my pulse pumping my blood faster as the thrill of stalking ignorant prey moves through me. “I don’t need a name tag, asshole. Everyone knows who I am and everyone knows this is my seat. So move.”

“No, I’m not moving for some pussy hanger-on who fucks freaks with pink hair.”

I can take insults toward me with no emotion at all. I’ve learned to let any jabs slide off me because I know who I am, but nobody, and I mean nobody, gets to bad mouth Cherry and get away with it. Not ever.

I shake my head and look away before my hand darts out and I grip his throat tight. I step forward, backing him up as he struggles to loosen my grip on his throat, his feet falling over the bags at his feet.

“Now listen to me once because I’m not going to repeat myself. Nobody, not anyone in this fucking room, gets to speak about her like that. She’s worth a hundred of you and every person in this room. Do you get me?”

Brian is turning a funny shade of purple as he tries to speak before giving up and nodding.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that?” I cock my head, releasing my grip slightly so he can suck in a breath and answer me.

“I understand.”

I turn and look around the room, my gaze zeroing in on Lorelei and her friends as she watches me with lust in her gaze, which makes me sick. “Do I make myself clear? Cherry Baker is off-limits. You fuck with her, you fuck with me and I think we all know nobody wants that.”

Nods of assent mix with murmurs of agreement and I know I just got my point across, but I still feel this simmering rage that anyone would dare to take a swipe at her. Come at me, I don’t give a fuck, but not her.

Releasing Brian, I step back and then let my fist fly out at lightning speed, catching the asshole with a jab to the nose. He gasps, clutching his nose as blood pours from him and his eyes water.

“Motherfucker, you broke my nose.”

“No, you did that when you decided to try and be the big dick and challenge me by going after someone who matters to me.”

“You won’t get away with this.”

Clearly, he has memory issues because not thirty seconds ago he was nodding like a dog to everything I said.

I look around as the door opens and Professor Ackerman walks into the room. I don’t try and hide what I did, I own everything I do. His eyes scan the scene in front of him before he shakes his head and focuses a glare at Brian and his cronies, who are looking smug, thinking I got caught.

“You, what is your name, boy?”

“Brian Wills, sir. This boy just attacked me completely unprovoked.” His voice is nasally as he speaks through the blood and broken bone.

Professor Ackerman walks closer, his eyes landing on me as his lips purse in displeasure, before he focuses back on Brian, his gaze moving over him before dismissing him.

“But he attacked me.”

Ackerman claps his hands behind his back and sighs. “Mr. Wills, do you really think I care about silly student squabbles? I’m here to teach the next generation of lawmakers and leaders of this country and if I have to referee ridiculous petty fights between adults, then I fear this country is doomed. Now get out and decide if this course is for you before you come back. You’re bleeding on my floor. Get yourself to medical and don’t come back until you learn to conduct yourself and learn the rules, Mr. Wills.”