Page 44 of Salacious Desires

Lily looks so unsure, so anxious. She fidgets with her hands and squirms on my lap. I just gave her the rundown of Cage’s plans.

“I’ll be there, but I’ll be near the gates. We will have radios on the entire time, so you’ll be able to communicate with me if you need to.”

Her face is paler than I’ve ever seen it. I know she wants to help but I won’t allow it if it’s going to affect her like this.

“Baby, you don’t need to do this,” I say softly.

Sitting up straight, she meets my gaze and sets her jaw. Determined. And cute as fuck.

“I’m doing this. I want to help.”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to my chest, burying my face in her hair. “I love you, baby. After this is behind us, you and I are going to have a talk about you moving in with me.”

She sucks in a breath, and my shoulders tense. That didn’t sound good.

“If it’s too soon, I understand. I know you’re it for me, Lily, and I’ll wait as long as I need to. This is going to go at your pace. Okay?”

Nuzzling into my chest, she sighs. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just…I’ll feel bad for leaving Hannah and Max. They want to start a family, and I know they’re trying to pay off their student loans before that happens. I don’t pay them much each month, but I know it’s helping so they can reach their goal faster.”

My sweet, thoughtful, caring girl. She’s always going to be the type to think of others before herself. It’s why I’ll always think of her before I think of anyone else. No one has ever put her first. Not until now.

I stroke her hair and kiss her head. “Okay, baby. We’ll figure it out.”

By we’ll figure it out, what I really mean is I’ll take care of everything, and she won’t have to worry about a single thing.



I can’t stop thinking about the looks on their faces. Fear. Excitement. Anxiety. Intrigue. Anger. Hope. It’s the last one I saw the most as Drake, Easton, and the rest of those men led hundreds of women and children to waiting buses.

Seeing hope on their faces solidified that we were doing the right thing. Drake knew it was the right thing to do all along, but I spent the entire night before wide awake, worrying that we’d be tearing families apart. It turned out that only about two dozen women insisted on staying with their spouses, and all of those women were older and had been part of the cult from the beginning.

Since we got back to Drake’s house, I haven’t said much. I’ve been lost in thought, and he seems to know I need some time.

For the most part, there weren’t many that needed immediate medical attention. The ones who did, Hannah quickly helped while we both reassured them that it was a good thing that was happening.

Despite the hope on so many faces, I have no doubt that every single one of them was also terrified of what the future might hold. I know I was when I first escaped. Heck, I think I was scared for the first few months.

When you’ve been sheltered all your life and don’t know some of the most basic things, it’s not a good feeling. There were times I questioned if I should go back. Times I cried myself to sleep because I felt so lost. If it weren’t for Hannah being there for me, letting me talk through it, and giving me love and patience while I worked through all the doubts, I’d probably have ended up back there. I want to do the same thing for all the people we moved out of there today.

“Baby.” His voice is gentle. Quiet. Yet still full of dominance.

I never thought I would crave a man being in control like this. Maybe because I’ve only ever seen it in people like my father and Jack. Now, I know the difference between the two types.

Drake appears in front of where I’m perched on the edge of the bed. I’m tired yet at the same time, I’m vibrating with energy. He cups my chin and tilts my head back to look at him. His dark eyes glitter in the dim light of the bedroom. It’s late afternoon, so it’s still light out, but all the shades are drawn.

“Come.” He releases my chin and holds out his hand for me. When I slide my fingers into his, my body tingles with the constant electricity that always radiates between us.

I follow him to the bathroom and gasp as soon as we walk in. Candles are set up in clusters throughout the large space. On the counter, around the edge of the tub, on a shelf hanging from the wall.

Lavender and vanilla fill my senses. Almost instantly, my muscles start to relax.

“I drew you a bath. I also brought up a glass of wine and a glass of water for you, along with some cheese and crackers.”

He turns and starts undressing me while I stare at the foamy bath. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this kind of treatment. Or if I’ll ever feel like I deserve it. He says I do and, right now, I’m choosing to believe him. Drake hasn’t led me wrong yet.

It doesn’t take long before I’m standing completely naked before him, and he’s still dressed other than his shoes.