Page 35 of Salacious Desires

Smirking, I rise and set my hands on either side of her hips, brushing my lips over hers. “Yes, I do, because if I come anywhere near you without clothes, I’m going to end up fucking you, and I’m trying to take my time. Now, go, sassy girl.”

When she climbs out of bed, I give her a swat on the ass, and she giggles, then sticks her tongue out at me before she closes the bathroom door.

Such a brat. And I love it. She’s letting her guard down little by little.

“There’s not a lot that can be done from a legal standpoint other than contacting social services and requesting they make a visit there,” my attorney Chase says.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and lean back in my chair. That’s what I was afraid of when I called to ask what options there were. Chase is also a trusted friend, so I know he won’t blow smoke up my ass.

“Tell me straight. What’s the likelihood of something actually getting done about this?” I ask.

He sighs through the phone. “Not great. There are no laws against homeschooling, and they probably don’t keep any record of the ‘marriages.’ Cults like these are smart. They know what they’re doing is wrong, so they always cover their asses.”

“Fuck,” I mutter.

“Sorry, man. I wish I had a better answer. Whatever you want me to do, though, I’ll do it. I just can’t make any promises for the outcome you’re hoping for.”

“Yeah, well, I need something a little more concrete. They hurt my woman, and there are other women and girls there getting the same treatment.”

“Right. I’ll be ready for a phone call when you get arrested for doing whatever it is you’re going to do.”

I chuckle. He knows me well. “Thanks, man. I’ll be in touch. Send me a bill for this phone call.”

“A fancy bottle of whiskey is all the payment I need.”


I guess it’s time to let Cage loose. I’m a reasonable man, but when it comes to Lily, all bets are off.



“Oh, Lily!” Hannah sing-songs. She walks into my room without knocking, a big bouquet of colorful flowers in her hand. “These belong to you.”

I look up from the video I’m watching about how to use the internet. Hannah loaned me her tablet and showed me how to look up instructional videos. So far, I’ve learned how to download apps on my phone, how to contour my face using my new makeup, and now, I’ve moved on to the World Wide Web.

When Drake dropped me off at home on Monday morning, he left me with strict instructions to rest, so that’s what I’ve been doing. He’s kept in touch through texts and random phone calls while he’s been working on a new project with Easton.

Sitting up on my bed, my mouth drops open. Pinks and blues and yellows are all arranged to make the most beautiful bouquet I’ve ever seen. It’s also the first one I’ve ever received. A small card is attached.

Hannah grins at me as I pluck the envelope and open it, my heart pounding.


Thinking of you. I thought these were beautiful, though they’re no match to you. I’ll pick you up for work at six.


Tears fill my eyes. I read the note several times. It’s handwritten, and it smells like him. I hold it to my chest and look at my best friend.

“Is it possible to fall in love with someone so quickly?”

She sits next to me on the edge of the bed and wraps her arm around me. “Yes. I fell in love with Max the first time I met him. He saw I was struggling to read the train schedule, and he missed his own so he could help me figure out which one I was supposed to get on to get to college. His selflessness was shocking to me. No man had ever put me first. And still, to this day, Max puts me before anything else.”

Gosh, I love that she found such a good man. Someone who accepted her despite the past she came from. It can’t have been easy to date someone who came from a cult.

I sniffle and wipe my eyes. “It’s scary, Hannah. I barely know him.”