Page 20 of Salacious Desires

“I absolutely agree. Anything that makes you laugh and grin like that, you need to do more of, baby.”

Pressure builds between my legs. I love it when he calls me that. Really, whenever he calls me any type of endearment.

“I’m going to take Lily home. I’ll see you on Wednesday, Shelly.”

She nods. “Sounds good. Lily, put your feet up over the next few days.”

That’s my plan. Especially since I’m concerned about a flare-up. For the past six months since I’ve started taking my medication regularly, I haven’t had any issues, but my joints are feeling a bit stiff tonight.

“Here, baby,” Drake holds up my coat and helps me put it on. I dip my head to hide my smile. This might be normal for most people, but this is totally new for me. And I am soaking it up like a sponge. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Shelly gives us a wave as he nudges me toward the back of the club, where there’s an employee exit to the parking lot.

His car is sleek black, and it looks like it might go really fast. I think it’s some sort of sports car. Whatever it is, I’m a little nervous to touch anything as I climb in. It all looks so fancy with the shiny buttons and knobs.

Before I have the chance, Drake sets my purse on my lap and leans in to put my seatbelt on. The air crackles in the tight space. His arm brushes against my breast as he reaches over me. My nipple buds against the sensation, and the pressure that’s been building all night intensifies more. Is this what being turned on is like?

After I give him Hannah’s address, the drive starts off quietly. Eventually, he reaches over and takes my hand in his.

“What’s your favorite color, Lily?”

A smile tugs at my lips. “Pink. What’s yours?”

When I look over at him, he glances at me for a brief second. “Lately, it’s been whatever color you have on.”

My mouth goes into an O. How am I supposed to answer that? Thankfully, I don’t have to.

“Where did you live before you came to Seattle?”

I study his features under the dim glow of street lights passing by. “About two hours east of here. There’s a small town that is only a speck on a map. I lived deep up in the hills above that town. Off the grid for the most part other than power and water.”

His jaw flexes, so I decide to leave it at that. Every time I talk about my past, he seems to get upset, and I don’t like it.

“Have you always lived in Seattle?”

“Yes. We grew up here. The only time I left was for college.”

“You’ve always owned a BDSM club?”

Even though I’ve seen Drake every day this week, and we’ve exchanged small talk whenever we were around each other, I don’t actually know much of anything about him.

He chuckles, and the corners of his eyes crinkle with his smile. I like seeing him smile.

“No. Actually, Easton and I designed an app in college. We’re tech guys. Computers and software and stuff like that. Anyway, we sold the app for a lot of money, and around that time, we started exploring BDSM. We got the idea to open our own club not long after. Edge is more of a passion project for us. We still create new software and apps in our spare time.”

Hannah explained what apps were when I first got my phone, so I know what he’s talking about, but I never thought about how they’re created. Drake and Easton must be really smart.

“I thought tech guys were usually skinny and pale and wore glasses. That’s what I see on TV.”

Drake snorts. “You hit the nail on the head, baby. We were exactly those guys without the glasses. In school, we were tall and gangly and ridiculously pale. After we sold the first app, we decided we wanted to reinvent ourselves. So we joined a gym and started going outdoors as much as we could.”

My cheeks hurt from how much I’m smiling. Somehow, I can’t picture Drake as a geek. He’s so mouthwatering. Though I’m guessing despite being skinny and pale back then, he was probably still just as attractive.

“Did you go to school?”

I fidget with the hem of my dress, keeping my gaze downcast. “Not regular school. Where I lived, they held school, but the girls stop going when they’re sixteen.”

“What? Why?”