“It’s delicious. The flavors all mixed together…It’s buttery and peppery but has a slight sweetness to it.”
I grin because she just described it exactly as I would. This time, when I hold up another bite for her, she doesn’t hesitate. “Good girl.”
Her eyes flash to mine, and her cheeks turn pink. After she swallows and takes a drink of her water, a slow smile spreads on her face. It’s breathtaking.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called a good girl before.”
Shaking my head, I move to the plate of braised short ribs with a savory sauce and cut a piece off. “We’re going to have to remedy that, aren’t we?”
She dips her head, but when I hold my fork up to her mouth, she takes the offering. I love that she hasn’t tried to reach for her own fork. Feeding her might be a bit over the top, but I couldn’t care less. It pleases me, and she seems to be soaking it up.
“Do you, um… Do you always do this for your employees?” She motions toward the table of food, keeping her gaze averted.
“Look at me, Lily.” My command is soft and quiet. Something tells me I won’t need to be firm with her. She’s a natural pleaser. When she obeys, I continue, “I don’t do this for anyone. Not my employees or any other women, for that matter. And after tonight, you won’t be my employee.”
She goes completely rigid, and I realize what I just said. “Let me clarify, baby. You will be under Easton’s management. We have a rule about not getting involved with our employees, so I’m going to make you his employee.”
And I hope to God he goes for it because I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t.
“I’m not sure…What?” She scrunches her nose and looks around the restaurant as though she’s ready to bolt. Fuck.
I set my fork down and reach for her hand, taking it between both of mine. Maybe I’m doing it so she can’t run, but a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. “I’m sorry, Lily. I’m overwhelming you. Fuck, I don’t even know if you’re interested in me. Or this type of lifestyle. I like you, though. I like you in a way I’ve never liked any other woman.”
She lowers her head and stares at our joined hands. “I like you too,” she whispers. “But, I’m really messed up. I barely know how the world works.”
“It’s a good thing that I do then, huh, baby?”
A small smile spreads on her lips, and I relax slightly. I didn’t intend for this conversation to become heavy. I’d much rather do this in private.
“I want to get to know you. We don’t have to do anything or define anything, but I’d like to spend time with you. Do you think you’d enjoy that?”
I’m not sure what I’ll do if she says no. I’d respect it, but it would be a gut punch I’m not ready for. Especially since whenever I’m around her, I feel a peace I’ve never experienced before.
“Yes. I would. I like my job, though. I need my job and the medical.”
“Why do you need insurance so badly? Do you have a medical condition I should know about?”
She shakes her head. “No. My joints ache sometimes. It’s no big deal, but the medication to help with it is expensive out of pocket, and the medical insurance helps to cover it.”
The desperation in her voice makes my teeth ache. No one should ever have to be this worried about employment or medical insurance. “Your job won’t be affected by anything that happens between us. We can draw up an agreement, and I’ll put you under Easton’s management, so I’ll have nothing to do with your employment.”
“Okay.” She looks unsure, but I’ll take it.
“Good girl. Now, I’m going to finish feeding you and then in two hours, you’re going to take another break. Are we clear?”
Her lips part for a second before she nods. “Yes, Sir.”
“Drake. Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
My brother reacts pretty much exactly how I expected.
“I know. Look, I get it. If the tables were turned, I’d be pissed at you. We made the rules for a reason. She’s something special, Easton. I wouldn’t be asking if she weren’t.”
Easton runs a hand through his hair, tugging at it as he paces the third-floor office.
“So because of this one woman, you want to split up who reports to whom in the entire club?”
“Yes. Think about it, though. It makes sense. You manage the service employees, and I manage the security and reception employees. It will make things less confusing for them because they’ll know exactly who to go to when they need something.”