“You just lied to me, Lily. It’s not nothing, and you’re not fine. You’re in pain.”
The waiter appears, and Drake speaks before the other guy has a chance. “Bring her meal up to my private suite along with some ice packs and a heating pad.”
“What? No, Drake, I’m fine down here.”
Without waiting for further instructions, the server disappears, and Drake leans so close to me that I can see the gold flecks in his dark eyes.
“Unless you want to start racking up punishments, you’re going to be a good girl and obey.”
I stare at him in stunned silence as he stands and then lifts me easily into his arms. “But I didn’t do anything.”
Not the greatest argument. He shoots me a look as he makes his way down a hall to an elevator I didn’t know existed.
“You’ve lied to me about being okay. How am I supposed to take care of you if you aren’t truthful with me about how you’re feeling?”
Wrapping my arm around his neck, I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh. “I’m not used to someone taking care of me. I’m used to smiling through the pain and pretending nothing is wrong because anything else was unacceptable.”
The elevator doors open, and he steps out into a hall lined with doors. He quickly enters a code into one of them and walks into a dimly lit room. There are several pieces of equipment in here that are similar to the ones I’ve seen on the second floor. A shiver runs through me. Are we going to use any of it?
He strides over to the enormous bed and sets me down, then kneels in front of me and removes my shoes.
“Your ankles are swollen. When you told me your joints ache sometimes, you made it seem like a minor thing. This isn’t minor, Lily.”
I lift my shoulders. “I don’t have flare-ups very often now that I’m on my medication. I’m fine, Drake.”
His gaze narrows. “Baby, if you tell me you’re fine one more time, I’m going to put you over my knee and turn your pretty little ass bright red.”
A shiver rolls down my spine. Despite my pain, my pussy clenches. Drake might be scolding me and threatening me with punishment, but all I hear is that he cares. He cares about me and my well-being. I’ve never had that before.
“I’m sorry.”
“From now on, you’re going to be completely honest with me about your medical condition, about your pain levels, and when you’re having a flare-up. Are we clear on that?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He studies me for several seconds before he gives a sharp nod. “Good. Now, you’re taking the rest of the night off, and you’re going to tell me more about your condition so I can take proper care of you. And don’t even think about arguing with me.”
As much as I want to do just that, I think it’s in the best interest of my butt to keep my mouth shut. Besides, being taken care of by Drake sounds kind of amazing.
My girl is a terrible patient.
Every time I turn around, she’s trying to walk herself to the bathroom or get her own cup of water. I have half a mind to take my belt to her ass, but I won’t while she’s hurting. And she’s definitely hurting.
I don’t know why I didn’t ask more questions when she told me her joints sometimes hurt. She’d made it seem like it wasn’t anything serious. I should have dug deeper. If there’s anything I’ve learned this past week about Lily, it’s that she does whatever she can to stay out of people’s way to avoid being a burden. That’s going to change.
“Drake, I can go to the bathroom by myself.”
After I fed her at the club, I got Easton’s blessing to take her home for the night.
“I know you can, but I don’t want you walking if you’re hurting. Once you’re on the toilet, I’ll leave you so you can do your business.”
She sighs and rests her head on my chest, giving in to me carrying her. Something has been off about her tonight, and I’m pretty sure it’s not just her arthritis. Whatever’s going on, I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Then, I’m going to move her into my house so I can make sure she’s not overdoing it anymore. Because she has most certainly been pushing herself too hard.
While she uses the bathroom, I quickly go into my closet and strip out of my slacks and button-down shirt, replacing them with a pair of sweats. Just as I step out, the toilet flushes. Lily lets out a yelp when I push the door open and walk in. As soon as she sees me, her mouth falls open as her gaze roams over my chest. Then she licks her lips, and I start to harden.