Page 29 of Salacious Desires

“Thank you for all your help. You were great.” I give Amanda a nod, and without another word, I grab Lily’s hand and practically drag her out of the store, hoping my erection isn’t obvious to everyone we pass.

When we get out into the open air, I find the nearest corner without a million other people nearby, press Lily against the wall, and lean in.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to finish what I planned for today. After that, I’m going to feed you. Then, I’m going to give you a choice. I can drop you off at home or bring you back to my house. I’ll tell you this, Lily. If you choose to come to my place, I’m going to dominate you tonight and give you the pleasure you’ve never had. So, think about that when you make the choice. Understand?”

She peers up at me from under her lashes. “Yes, Sir. I already know my answer, though.”

My heart lurches, and I wait, holding my breath until she tells me.

“I want to go to your house.”

Thank God. I would have accepted whichever choice she made, but I like this one so much better.

“But,” she adds, “I can say my safeword at any time?”

Capturing her chin in my hand, I lean down so we’re eye to eye. “You can say your safeword at any time for any reason. You’re the one in full control here, baby.”

Her eyes twinkle, and her shoulders drop. “Thank you. I’m sorry I have so many questions.”

“Never apologize. I want you to ask as many questions as you have. The key to this working out between us is trust and communication. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers right before she steps closer and wraps her arms around my waist.

I squeeze her against me and press a kiss on the top of her head. This feels amazing. I could spend every day like this and be the happiest man in the world.

“Ready to go shopping for some colorful clothes?”

She tilts her head back and blinks up at me. “What?”

“You said one day you want to wear more colorful clothes. Today, you’re going to pick some out.”

“Drake, you’ve already done so much. I can’t even fathom how much money you’ve spent. I didn’t expect any of this.”

“I know, baby. That’s why I love doing it. You didn’t expect it. But it’s happening, and I promise, you haven’t even put a dent in my bank account. So, no more arguing because I’m in charge unless you say red. Understood?”

Heat flashes in her dark caramel eyes. “Yes.”

I arch an eyebrow and tilt my head slightly.

“Sir,” she quickly adds.

“Good girl. Let’s go.”

“Do you need anything from your place before we head to my house?”

She glances over at me as she fidgets with her hands. “No. I’m good. I carry extra medication in my purse. I’m just going to send a message to Hannah so she doesn’t worry.”

I stay quiet so she can text her friend. It gives me time to plan for tonight. I hadn’t expected the day to end with her coming home with me, but there’s an undeniable attraction between us. It’s so natural that it sometimes feels like we’ve known each other for years instead of a week.

When I pull into my driveway, Lily lets out a soft gasp.

“This is your house? It’s enormous. You live here alone?”

“Yes, baby. I live here alone. I have a housekeeper who comes on weekdays to clean and cook meals for me, but other than that, it’s just me.”

I park in the garage and press the remote to close it behind us. Lily looks around, wide-eyed and speechless. I’m not sure what kind of living conditions she had in the cult, but I’m guessing they were less than ideal.

As I lead her in through the mudroom, I turn on the lights so she can look around. If I have it my way, she’ll be spending a good amount of time at my house in the near future.