Found him? This implies you lost him again, Oscar.
He wasn’t LOST. Not exactly. He knew where he was the whole time.
I’m going to require some proof of life, I think. Maybe you and Frank would like to come to dinner?
I tossed the phone down again and ran a hand over my face. There it was, the very reason I hadn’t made any contact with Hugh for weeks. Because I liked interacting with him a little too much, but interaction led to dinner invitations, which led to sex, which led to… “the melancholy.” Lesya’s stages of my relationships were nothing if not accurate.
Before I could think better of it, I grabbed the phone and replied.
Afraid not, darling. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the entree without fantasizing about dessert, and you are on a mission to find The One. If I’m in your bed, you’ll be too busy to keep looking for him. *wink emoji*
My screen remained frustratingly blank for several minutes. Lesya bustled into my office for a few signatures before returning to her desk. My office phone rang, but I ignored it.
The longer Hugh’s silence went on, the more I found myself wishing I could give a different response. Wishing there were a way that I could have him without falling into my usual pattern.
I understand. I appreciate you being upfront about it.
I blew out a breath. There. That was an end to it. And the feeling nestled below my breastbone was not disappointment—definitely not. It was relief.
But maybe we could be friends? Maybe even the kind who only exchange text messages.
I blinked at his text in confusion. It wasn’t so odd that Hugh should want to be friends, I supposed. I had lots of them. But in nearly every case, friendship was the consolation prize a guy and I settled on after we’d unsuccessfully tried to be something more. And aside from a select few men I trusted—Wells, Roman, James, my childhood sweetheart Boone—those post-relationship-friends were purely social ones, where we met up at parties to trade air-kisses and they hung me on their arms like a designer accessory.
Like most things with Hugh though, this felt different. New. Pattern-breaking. Risky, but the kind of risk that might pay dividends.
Texting only? Is that an actual thing? No requests to meet up in person? No sexting each other nudes?
If that’s what you’re comfortable with, why not? (I may send the occasional non-sexy pic. Photographer, remember? And pics of Frank are always encouraged. In fact, required.)
I felt my mouth hitch up.
This isn’t about me at all, is it? It’s about your love affair with my hedgehog.
Oh, thank god you understand. For a minute there, I was worried you’d think your shitty pickup lines were actually working on me.
I didn’t want to be rude, ’cause you seem nice enough, but Frank and I had a real moment of connection under that table. I hope you won’t stand in our way.