“You don’t have much in your kitchen. What if your friends come over for dinner and there are no extra plates or silverware?”
“I don’t spend time with my friends here.”
“Where do you spend time with them?”
“At practice or at our games.”
“Your teammates, you mean.”
“I work too much to not consider my teammates my friends. Stevie’s my friend, too.”
“Your twin sister.”
“And Zanders.”
“Your probable future brother-in-law.”
“What’s your point, Indy?” His tone is laced with exasperation.
I casually pop my shoulders. “No point. Just trying to get to know you. What’s your favorite color?”
“I kind of thought robots would be more into silver.”
He offers me a fake smile. “Cute.”
“Why don’t you have a dog or a pet to keep you company? It’d be lonely living here by yourself.”
“I’m allergic to dogs. And I’m not lonely.”
“Ah, that’s right. I forgot about your allergy. Really pissed off the big guy upstairs to earn that allergy, huh? What about a cat then? Something to take care of.”
“I don’t need anything or anyone to take care of, and I don’t need added company. I like being alone.”
“I love flowers. I could get you some. Or a plant. Maybe you’ll feel more masculine with a plant. Something that will thrive in the bitter coldness of your personality.”
“You’re pretty…bold for someone who just got here yesterday and still hasn’t signed a lease. And you ask a lot of questions.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“You heard the first two words and tuned out the rest, huh?” He raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“Just trying to get to know you.”
He eyes me for a moment, studying. “Fine. My turn.”
I sit up straighter. “Oh, this is fun! Roommate bonding. Shoot.”
“Tell me about your ex and why you don’t have a place to live.”
Well, fuck. Starting off real strong, I guess.
“My favorite color? So glad you asked. Lavender.”
“That wasn’t my question.”
Exhaling a deep, resigning sigh I ask, “You already think I’m a mess. Are you sure you want the details?”