After dinner, we eat the redemption cake, and Eli makes sure to have a second slice just to boost my fragile ego. As I’m clearing our plates, Jack and Mary give him his belated birthday gift.
“No way.” Eli tears the wrapping off the small rectangular box. “Thank you, guys,” he adds, holding up the brand-new Apple watch for us to see.
“I know the timing isn’t great with your injury, but Logan said she loved hers, so we figured you would too,” Mary explains. “Once you can work out again.”
“Yeah, this is going to be perfect for tracking my workouts. Thank you.” Eli leans forward to give his stepmom and dad an appreciative hug.
“There’s this thing on there where you can compete against other people with your workouts. We can do that!” My voice carries far too much excitement.
“Just what I need. A constant reminder that you can kick my ass, right there on my wrist,” he adds with sarcasm.
We play a few rounds of Euchre, the Maddison family card game, before most everyone calls it a night, needing to get up fairly early for their day on the slopes tomorrow.
Eli and I stay on the couch while we let the fire burn out as I sit between his legs with my back leaned against his chest. One of his arms is wrapped around me, draped on my lap, and the other is out in front of me as I fiddle with the watch on his wrist, helping him set it up.
I relax into him as his arms tighten their hold on me. “You know what I was thinking about earlier?”
“Hmm?” he hums.
“I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you and your family. I know I’m not a member, but I feel like it. And that feels nice.”
“You are a member,” Eli states. “My dad views you as his own daughter, Mary would trade us boys in for you in a heartbeat, and you know how Marc sees you. But if that’s not enough, don’t worry. I’m going to make you an official member one day.”
Chapter 27
“Look at that. Logan finished a run.” I show Marc the new Apple watch on my wrist just as my sweaty girlfriend comes through the front door, Ali following behind.
My brother and I look lazy as hell compared to the two of them as we chill on the couch this early Friday morning.
Even though I teased Logan last night about getting notifications on my watch for her accomplishments, the truth is, I love my little athletic freak, and I’m proud of what a badass she is.
“Hi.” Logan walks behind the couch, bending over and kissing me from above.
“Hi, baby.” I smile into her lips before turning to my brother. “We’re slackers.”
“At least you have an excuse.” He motions towards my injured ankle. “The only excuse I have is that I hate working out. But how was your run?” Marc asks the girls.
“Good,” Ali says with a deep inhale, grabbing a water from the fridge. “Cold as fuck outside, though.”
“Understatement of the year,” Logan adds.
“Let me warm you up.” I open my arms for my girl.
“I’m gross right now.”
“Just the way I like you.” I pull her hand, forcing her to sit across my lap as I keep my ankle elevated.
I wrap my arms around her waist as she rests her head on my shoulder. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about,” Marc interrupts. “Today is Friday. Just another Friday.”
Ali takes a seat on the armrest next to my brother, giving him a grateful smile. I know why my brother is saying that February fourteenth is just other day. It’s because Ali is on the verge of self-sabotage as it is, and making anything a big romantic display right now is just going to freak her out. So, I’ll go with it, and while Ali is around, I’ll pretend like today is any other day.
And technically, it is any other day because I love my girl and try to show her that every day, so I don’t need a specific one for it. But at the same time, something about Logan makes me feel cheesy as hell, and if that means flowers and lame-ass heart-shaped shit, I’m all for it.