Page 91 of Staying Selfless

Ali looks to Logan behind me, seeming to have a silent conversation with my girl. The little New Yorker then glances to Marc, who gives her a reassuring smile and a nod.

“Yeah,” Ali awkwardly says, lacking the confidence behind her answer. “Um...yeah. I can do that.”

I can see the panic in her face from here. She’s freaking the fuck out.


“Well, I should get back to my dorm.” Ali quickly stands. “Logan, are you staying here?”

“Please stay here,” I plead, tilting my head to look at her. I can already feel my skin crawling with the anxiety that wants to settle in after today’s events. To be blunt, I need my girl’s comfort in hopes I might actually get some sleep tonight.

“I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” she tells her friend, who is currently trying to bolt from this house.

“I’ll walk you out.” Marc stands as well.

“Good to see you guys.” Ali waves to my dad and Mary, already halfway to the door. “I guess I’ll be seeing you next weekend.”

“See you then.” Mary’s smile is kind, not knowing Ali well enough to notice the stress on her face.

Marc walks Ali out the front door as Mary and my dad go to bed.

Logan’s hands find my shoulders as she gently rubs the tension out. I lean my head back to rest on her as she massages my sore muscles.

“Ali is freaking out,” she states.

“I know.”

“I’m worried about Marc. I think he’s going to get his heart broken.”

“Really?” I snap my head to the side. “Has Ali said something? Is she not into it anymore?”

“She hasn’t said anything like that,” Logan sighs. “But anytime things seem semi-serious at all or like they’re moving in that direction, she freaks out. I love Ali, but she’s overthinking everything and something is holding her back. I don’t want Marc to feel like he’s not enough.”

The front door opens.

“Did she seem off to you?” Marc points his thumb over his shoulder towards the door.

“She’s freaking the fuck out, man,” I state without filter, causing Logan to swat my chest playfully.

“I think she’s nervous,” Logan says in a much more considerate way, trying to spare my brother’s feelings.

“Fuck.” He drops his head, putting his hands in his pockets. “That’s why I wasn’t going to invite her.”

“But do you want her to go?”

Marc shrugs his shoulders. “Of course, I do. I just wish she didn’t stress out over nothing. It’s not a big deal. It’s not like I’m asking her to marry me or even to be my girlfriend. It’s just a weekend.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Logan reassures.

“Thank you.”

“Hey, a small victory, though. Ali’s obviously growing on Mary,” I chime in.

Marc gives us a grateful smile, but it doesn’t meet his eyes. “I’m going to get to bed. I’ll pick you guys up after I drop Mom and Dad at the airport tomorrow.”

“Love you, Marc.”

“Love you, man.”