Page 90 of Staying Selfless

“Yeah, and you’re going to be right there next to me. The people who work at our rest home are going to think we are absolutely insane because we’ll still be just as obsessed with each other, feeling each other up eighty years from now, gray hair and all.”

“Nah, I’ll still be dying my hair red when I’m a hundred.”

After a few peaceful moments, she climbs off my lap, handing me my dinner again. She motions for me to sit up as she wedges herself between the sofa and my body with my back against her chest. She wraps her arms around the front of my shoulders, holding me to her as she places a couple of kisses on my cheek, causing my smile to overtake my face.

“I mean...I wouldn’t be too upset if you wanted to share your dinner,” Logan playfully suggests, magically regaining her ever-present hunger.

I let out a laugh before feeding her a bite over my shoulder.

“That was kind of random that Zanders came to the hospital,” I mention between bites, gauging the situation. “Don’t you think?”

“I thought it was really nice. He clearly cares about you, Eli.”

I casually shrug my shoulders.

“I think you might care about him, too.”

“He’s not the worst guy in the world.”

Logan’s head drops back in laughter at my bullshit answer, causing my smile to grow because she knows me too well.

“I think you guys might be a little bit in love with each other and don’t want to admit it. A little hockey bromance, if you will.”

“I don’t know about all that,” I laugh.

“I think it’s great.” Logan kisses my cheek from behind. “You guys understand each other more than anyone else could.”

“You understand me,” I quickly remind her.

“Yes. But Zanders is going through the same thing you are. I’m glad you have someone that truly understands the physical and mental parts of your game.”

After dinner, my parents, Marc, and Ali make their way into the living room, rejoining Logan and me.

“Marc, you can drive us to the airport in the morning, right, honey?” Mary asks.

“Yeah, I’m gonna just crash here, and I’ll take you before class.”

“EJ, can we get you anything before we go tomorrow?” My stepmom turns my way.

“No, I think I’ll be taken care of.”

Mary looks to Logan behind me with a grateful smile.

“Stay off that ankle, EJ,” my dad reminds me.

“I guess I won’t be dancing at Gabe’s wedding next weekend.” My tone drips with mock disappointment.

“Convenient,” Logan laughs, knowing how I feel about dancing. Though, ever since I saw her on the dance floor at the Halloween party, I seemed to have changed my stance on the whole thing, knowing the way my girl can move.

“Speaking of the wedding next weekend,” Mary begins. “Ali, are you coming?”

Logan’s grip around me tightens as I look at my brother with wide eyes. Marc seems extremely caught off guard by Mary’s suggestion, and Ali’s face pales, her mouth gaping.

“The wedding? With the whole family?” Ali asks in shock.

I genuinely think that Marc wanted to invite Ali but was afraid of how his mom would react. Though, today Mary seems a bit more supportive of the idea of Ali being in Marc’s life, maybe even onboard.

Even though it was a small gesture, Ali driving my family to the hospital and being there during a stressful time probably went a long way for Mary. That is something that Marc’s ex never would’ve done. Lauren would’ve excused herself right when Marc needed her the most.