Page 86 of Staying Selfless

“Thank you for coming,” Mary cuts in, peeking over Jack’s shoulder.

“Of course. Even though Maddison and I have our history, he’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve this.”

After another ten minutes of waiting, Cam, Goody, and Benny coming walking through the front doors, their eyes immediately landing on us.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Goody growls when he spots Zanders.

“Chill out, Goody,” Marc cuts in. “He and EJ are cool, and this wasn’t his fault.”

Shock covers the boys’ faces. Cam is the only one who doesn’t look all that surprised, and it makes me wonder if Eli has filled him in on his newfound friendship.

“Shamus is a piece of shit,” Benny refers to the player who hurt Eli.

“Trust me,” Zanders says. “I made sure he’s well aware of that.”

Eli’s teammates join us, with Cam sitting next to me, Benny and Goody taking the seats next to Zanders. Though, they keep an empty one between them and their school rival, not ready to give in just yet.

“You good?” Cam quietly asks me with a nudge.

“I’ll be good if he’s good.”

Marc must notice our conversation because he territorially swings his arm over me as he sits on my other side.

I give Marc a sideways glance as he tries to fight back his smile. I turn to look at Cam, who’s wearing the same expression. Their newfound fake feud over me is weird and random but also brings a little light into this serious situation, so I just shake my head in amusement.

Finally, a nurse approaches our growing group of friends and family, eyeing our school attire. “You all must be here for Eli Maddison.”

Everyone’s attention snaps to her, eager nods all around.

“He’s done with his testing, and he’s back in a room while he waits for the results. You can’t all go back there, but one of you can.”

All eyes land on me, but I look right to Jack.

“You should go,” I tell him, knowing that Eli needs his dad much more than he needs me right now.

“You sure?”


Jack stands to follow the nurse.

As much as I want to be there for Eli right now, I genuinely don’t know what to do or say if we find out that his career is over. Jack has always given the best advice, and what Eli needs right now is his dad.

Chapter 24


“Hey, son.” My dad walks into the emergency room they set me up in to wait for my results, his sad smile obvious from here.

“Hey, Dad.” I don’t even attempt to cover up the disappointment on my face.

I can’t believe it fucking happened again. I’m so close to making it to the league, and this happens? What. The. Fuck.

I’ve been trying to hold it together. I’ve been trying not to let it upset me until I get the results, but now that my dad is here, I’m about to break down.

He lifts the bag of ice off my foot to take a look at my ballooned and bruised ankle, and I watch as his face instantly drops at the sight.

“Do you think this is it?” I try to cover the break in my voice by clearing my throat.