The truth is I already have everything I want. Sure, there’s my career, but my priorities of what is most important in my life have quickly shifted over the last few months. So, I wished for the only thing that made sense—that what she and I have would continue forever. That the image I’ve had in my head for months now would become a reality.
Leaning up, I place my lips on Logan’s, my hand finding the side of her face as her mouth parts and our kiss deepens. She’s soft and warm with a hint of vanilla from her chapstick.
“Get a room!” Benny calls out with humor from behind us.
Logan and I laugh into each other, our lips still connected until we finally pull away.
“Okay then.” I tuck my hands under Logan’s thighs, pulling her off the counter as she wraps her long legs around my waist. I carry her to the stairs, doing precisely what Benny told us to do—getting a room.
“Shit, I was just kidding,” Benny innocently says in the distance.
“Dude.” Goody smacks my goaltender. “What the fuck? You knew he was going to agree with you. He was practically begging for someone to give him permission.”
Chapter 22
“So, is this a double-date?” I ask before tossing back a few fries.
Eli cocks his head to the side. “Does that mean every time the four of us hang out, it’s a double-date?” His question is filled with genuine curiosity, looking at me, then to our friends across from us in the booth at Double G.
I quickly glance at Marc, who has a shy, but satisfied smile he’s trying to hold back.
“Or we don’t have to label it at all, and we can just say we’re hanging out as we always do,” Ali quickly interjects before taking a sip of her beer.
Once again, my gaze wanders to my best friend as Marc’s smile instantly falls from Ali’s response. He catches me watching him and brushes me off in reassurance, but I can tell that Ali’s answer was not what he wanted to hear.
I’ve been wondering if there would ever come a time that Ali would give in and start referring to Marc as her boyfriend, but then things like this happen, and I’m not all that sure she’s ready to get past her commitment to living a commitment-free life.
“How do you feel about division finals tomorrow?” Marc asks his brother, quickly changing the subject.
“Good. The boys look good. I feel good. I’m ready and fuck Ohio State.”
“Fuck Ohio State,” Marc says in agreement.
Another group of fans decked out in their Minnesota gear come by the table to talk to my boyfriend, asking questions about tomorrow’s big championship game. This is the third time tonight that Eli has been bombarded in the middle of a rowdy and overcrowded Double G. It’s evident that tomorrow’s game is the biggest of the season, and it’s crystal clear how uncomfortable Eli is due to the attention from fans he doesn’t know.
I place my hand on his thigh under the table when the latest group asks about his potential to play in the NHL playoffs, causing Eli to intertwine his fingers with mine when they do.
When the group of guys, all wearing my boyfriend’s number on their jerseys, finally leaves, I quickly change the subject.
“I’m excited that your parents are coming tomorrow.”
Marc nods with his mouth full.
“Me too,” Eli sighs. “Even if it’s for just a quick twenty-four hours.”
I can tell Eli is overwhelmed right now between the constant attention and the pressures on him for tomorrow’s game. I’m just glad that Jack will be here for him. He needs his dad whether or not he wants to admit it.
“What changed? I thought we weren’t going to see them until Gabe’s wedding.”
“We weren’t,” Marc says. “Our dad usually has his yearly meeting with one of his biggest clients this weekend, but thankfully, that client had to cancel last minute.”
“Oh shit,” Eli interjects. “Bertoli, we need to find you a seat for the game. We only have four.”
“Oh, no. I’m good. I’m perfectly happy to sit in the student section tomorrow.”
I know why Ali is suggesting this. It’s because Marc’s mom is going to be sitting in the family seats.