Page 76 of Staying Selfless

But if I’m being honest, I’ve never had a group of friends sing to me on my birthday as an adult. And that’s because I’ve never really had a real group of friends as an adult. Before this year, I didn’t give a shit about a single person outside of my family. Sure, there’s Trev and Stacey, but they’re kind of my secret family I’ve kept to myself.

As soon as the terrible singing is over, I silently make my wish and blow out my candles. As Goody starts to cut his masterpiece, Logan takes off to the other side of the kitchen to chat with Cam as I make my way to my brother and Ali.

“You’re so popular,” Marc teases, knowing I usually hate the attention. But he knows, just as I do, that this attention feels genuine for the first time in my college experience.

“Happy birthday, Maddison.” Ali peeks around my brother’s body. “It’s pretty obvious that us becoming friends was the best part of your year, so what was the next best thing?”

“Humble as always, Bertoli.”

“You and me both, hockey boy.”

“You both already know the best part, so no need to spell it out.” I keep my gaze locked on my pretty girl with burgundy hair, sitting on the counter on the other side of the kitchen as she chats with Cam.

Feeling the magnetic pull she has on me, just as always, I weave through the crowd to get to her. I get stopped a few times by my teammates giving me a fist bump or a pat on the back to tell me, “happy birthday,” and each one of them seems completely authentic as they do.

It’s fairly obvious that my teammates like me better this year. Hell, I like me better this year. I’m pretty sure everyone likes me better this year, and I know exactly why.

I find my way to that exact reason, as I wiggle my way to stand between her legs while she sits on the counter behind me. She continues her chat with Cam but wraps her arms around the front of my shoulders, acknowledging that I’m here.

Goody hands me a piece of cake, causing Cam to leave and find his own. Taking my first bite, I’m shocked to discover that it’s far better than I would’ve imagined.

“How is it?” Logan bends down behind me, her head right next to mine.

“You might be out of a job.”

“Stop,” she says, unconvinced. “Give me a bite.”

I get a bite ready for her, feeding her with my fork over my shoulder.

“Fuck,” she mumbles with her mouth full. “Why is that better than mine?”

I can’t help but laugh at the frustration in her tone.

“How is it?” Goody asks.

“Eh,” I lie, trying not to obliterate my girlfriend’s ego.

“Stop.” Logan playfully swats my shoulder. “Goody, he’s trying not to bruise my ego, but it’s so good.”

“Really? Is this my calling? Goody, the baker? Goody, the chef? Chef Goody?” He wears the goofiest looking smile on his face as he makes his way through the crowd, informing our teammates of his new-found career path.

I look around the kitchen, watching as my friends scarf down the birthday cake and chat with one another.


I actually consider most of the people in this room my friends. That’s so fucking weird to say.

“I love you,” Logan says, her arms still wrapped around me from behind.

I set my cake down on the counter before turning around in her embrace, facing her. I kiss her collarbone, silently telling her the same thing before I hide my face in the crook of her neck.

“I love you so much, Logan.” Her hand ever so slightly rubs my back.

“What did you wish for?”

I lift my head from her neck to look into her pretty greens.

“I can’t tell you, or it won’t come true.”