Page 66 of Staying Selfless

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Is this payback for all the times I didn’t tell you about our plans?”

“Absolutely,” she confirms quickly. “But the first thing I want to do is get you moved back into the hockey house. It’s your senior year. You shouldn’t be living out here by yourself, Eli.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ll pack up what I need after breakfast.”

We go back to eating before I add one more thing. “Do you think you could maybe bring some things over and leave them at the hockey house, too?”

“Like what?” Logan fully turns around to look at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I don’t know why suddenly I feel shy. I mean, the girl knows how obsessed I am with her, but my cheeks are heating for some reason.

I shyly avert my gaze from hers. “Maybe you could leave some of your clothes at my place. And a couple of those books you like to read before bed.”

“Why are you being so cute and shy right now?” she teases.

“I don’t know.” I scratch at my brow with my thumb. “Maybe because the last time I asked you to move, I got shot down pretty hard.”

Logan cocks her head while wearing a sympathetic smile. “That wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. That was because I wanted to finish school before moving across the county.”

I already know all of this. I’m just being a whiny little bitch for some reason today.

“And you’re not really asking me to move. You’re just asking me to sleep wherever you’re sleeping. Am I right?”

A small smile forms across my lips as I nod in agreement.

“Then, of course, I’ll bring some stuff over. We need to stop by my dorm so I can get some real clothes for today anyway. I would tell you to bring some things to my room and leave them too, but I’m pretty sure half of your closet is already mixed in with mine.”

“Yeah, about that...” I pepper her neck with kisses again. “I might need to steal a hoodie or two back from you.”

“Absolutely not,” she quickly states with furrowed brows. “What’s yours is mine, baby. Hockey hoodies are staying.”

“Holy shit, look who it is!” Goody shouts as soon as Logan and I walk into the hockey house, though I know he’s not referring to me. He’s referring to my girl who hasn’t been over here since before Christmas break.

I drop my bags by the door before glancing up at him. He’s shirtless with a trash bag in his hand, looking hungover as fuck.

Goody’s announcement gains the rest of the house’s attention as most of the boys turn towards my girl with bright smiles. Everyone here looks like they’re riding the struggle bus, trying to survive after a night of heavy partying while cleaning up the mess they made.

“Mom and Dad!” Benny exclaims.

“Where the fuck were you guys last night?” Goody asks.

“They were probably fucking,” Cam casually chimes in out of nowhere.

Correct, and straight to the point, I see.

“You boys look a little rough this morning,” Logan notes with amusement as Cam wraps her up in a hug.

“We feel a little rough too.”

“My two favorite redheads.” Goody swings an arm over both Logan and Cam’s shoulders, the three of them walking into the kitchen together as I follow behind.

“Pfft,” Cam scoffs, shrugging Goody’s arm off him. “Logan wishes. This ginger is natural, baby. Hers comes from a box.”

“Actually, it comes from a tube,” Logan corrects. “But I see your point.”

I take a seat at the dining room table before making room for Logan on my lap. Cam joins, taking a seat in the spot across from us, coffee in hand.