Page 60 of Staying Selfless

The line that sticks out to me the most is the last one. ‘Thank you for taking the responsibility of loving her enough for the two of us.’ I already felt privileged, being Logan’s new family, but now with the direct request from her mom, it’s like I have a new mission and directive. And now, I feel like my commitment to love her is on a whole other level.

I stand from the couch to pour myself another drink, but as I do, there’s a knock at the front door.

Regardless of me telling Marc not to come here, I should’ve known that he would. When he lost his keys on New Year’s Eve at the hockey house, he never found them, and we haven’t gotten a replacement for his house key yet. I probably shouldn’t have left my phone on silent. I could’ve convinced him not to come here if I saw his concerned texts rolling through.

I take my letter and put it in my wallet, where I’m pretty sure it’s going to live for the rest of my life. I don’t want Marc or anyone else to see it. This is between Logan’s parents and me.

Before opening the door, I stop in front of the mirror in the entryway, being sure to clean up my face as best I can. It’s not that I’m worried about Marc seeing me this way, but I don’t need him to be concerned, especially when there’s nothing wrong.

I open the door for my brother, but instead of finding Marc waiting on the front porch, it’s my girl.

“Hi,” she says when her bright green eyes meet mine.

She looks adorable right now, cute little beanie and my hockey sweatshirt drowning her frame. Her face doesn’t show a stitch of makeup, and the ends of her hair are still curled from earlier.

“Hi, baby. What are you doing here?”

Logan stays still on the front porch as she nervously fiddles with her fingers.

“Here’s the thing,” she begins in a bit of a frantic tone. “At this point, I think I’m the most myself I’m going to be on my own. I feel like my old self again. But the truth is, I don’t want to be my old self. I want to be the version of me since I met you. And I’m not really me unless I’m with you, Eli.”

Okay, this might be the best fucking speech I’ve ever heard.

“I don’t want space,” she continues. “I don’t want to do this on my own anymore. I want to do this with you. So, can you please start being your clingy self again, because I don’t want to spend any more time away from you.”

I can feel the sly and proud smile forming across my lips as I listen to her words. Obviously, I’m stoked that she wants me, needs me. But more than anything, all I’ve wanted was for her to be happy again.

And she finally is.

“Also, I’m freezing my ass off out here,” she laughs, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to keep the warmth in.

Bounding towards her, I lift her up in my embrace. Her legs wrap around my waist, and her arms drape across my shoulders as I bury my face into the crook of her neck.

“So, is that a yes?” Logan giggles as I carry her inside the house. I close the front door with my foot before pinning her to the back of it with my body.

“Yeah, baby. That’s a hell yes.” I press my smiling lips to hers.

She doesn’t miss a beat as her lips part from the pressure, her tongue meeting mine. It’s not like we haven’t kissed in the last couple of weeks, but there was always a storm cloud of grief hanging over Logan’s head. It’s as if we both knew some heavy things were playing in her mind. But tonight, there are no clouds in sight. It’s clear and bright between us.

I carry her to the stairs to take her up to my room, but as I do, something catches Logan’s eye.


I follow her line of sight, realizing she’s staring at the makeshift bed I’ve been sleeping on for over a month.

“It’s okay, Logan.” I try to pull her attention back to me. “Everything is okay now.”

I kiss her again as I take her up the stairs to the room I’ve avoided since she left.

“Not that I’m complaining about the easy access,” I begin, continuing up the stairs, looking down and eyeing my California girl’s choice of clothing. “But where the fuck are your jacket and boots? It’s winter here in Minnesota.”

It’s cold as fuck outside right now, and even I, a Midwest native, wouldn’t leave my house without my winter coat.

Logan shrugs in my grasp. “I had to tell you what was on my mind, and I didn’t want to waste time putting on all my clothes. So warm me up please, sir,” she playfully requests.

I can’t hold back my amused smile as I lay her back on my bed, keeping my lips lingering just above hers. “And how do you suggest I do that?”

“I hear body heat does the trick.”