Page 55 of Staying Selfless

“Okay.” I sigh in defeat.

“Look, man,” Marc softly says. “I’m Logan’s best friend, and I’ve been looking out for her since the day I met her. It’s not just on you.”

“You’re right, but I am going to go pick her up. I don’t want her driving in the snow.”

Urgently making my way to the door, I get stopped a couple of times by people I don’t know or give a fuck about, but I attempt to be polite as I brush them off.

“Where do you think you’re going, kid?” a voice behind me asks.

I already know who it is.

Jay is standing close to the entryway with a drink in his hand and a smug smile on his face.

“Hey, man.” I give him a quick hug. “I’m going to go get Logan.”

“But you’re coming back,” he states, though it sounds more like a question.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. She’s got some family stuff going on right now.”

Jay gives me an understanding nod. “Well, it was good to see you, even if it was only for a minute. Happy birthday, man.”

“Thanks, Jay,” I say with appreciation before heading out into the snow and jumping into my truck.

When I get to Logan’s dorm room, I’m happy to find that the door is locked. Her car is outside, so I know she’s here right now. I gently knock on the door, just so she knows I’m coming in, but I don’t wait for her to answer before I use her spare key to unlock it myself.

When I open the door to the partially dark room, I spot my favorite girl sitting on her bed, fully dressed in an insanely sexy outfit and ready for my party. However, her eyes are red, her cheeks are puffy, and black streaks are smudged down her face from her running mascara.

“Hi, pretty girl.” I lean against the doorframe with my arms crossed at my chest.

“Hi. What are you doing here?” She quickly wipes at her face.

“What are you doing here?”

“I live here,” she chuckles, giving me déjà vu. “Why aren’t you at your party?” she asks, continuing the exact conversation we’ve had before.

“Why aren’t you at my party?” A smile pulls at my lips, fully aware that she remembers the same conversation that I do.

Logan’s sweet little laugh echoes throughout the room, and even though she has tears falling down her cheeks, I know she’s okay.

“Are you having déjà vu too?” I take a seat on the edge of her bed before I swing her legs over my lap.

I’ll never forget the night that I wandered in here after I pissed her off at the hockey house by being an asshole and flirting with another girl to get her attention. The next evening when I came over was the night I knew there was something real going on between us.

“Yes. How could I forget? That was the night I knew you weren’t going to give up.”

“Damn straight. Never giving up.”

“I’ve just got to clean up my face, then we can go.” She swings her legs off me and stands from the bed, but I grab her by the waist to stop her.

I pull her back down to sit on my lap as I press my lips to the back of her shoulder. “What’s going on?” I gently ask against her skin.

“Can we talk about this later? I want to get to your party.”

“No. You’ve been doing so good at being open with me. Why stop now?”

Logan turns to look at me before placing her pink lips on mine. “Okay,” she resigns.

I place her on the bed next to me and kneel on the ground in front of her. Picking up one of her feet, I undo the strap on her heel before taking the other off as well. As smoking hot as she looks right now, I just want her to be comfortable.