Page 46 of Staying Selfless

After my post-gym shower this afternoon, I put on some comfy clothes and crawled into bed. There’s nothing quite like a Sunday afternoon nap, and after all this self-healing I’ve been trying to do these past few weeks, I’d say I’ve earned it.

As I lie on my side with my head on my pillow, my eyes immediately land on the small wooden box sitting on my desk. I’ve been meaning to open it, to read the words that are waiting for me inside. But I haven’t felt ready yet. Today is the best I’ve felt so far, just as yesterday was, and the day before that. So, maybe today is the day I read the words inside the box.

But my body feels frozen, sunken into my bed, and full of nerves. Maybe today isn’t the day. A knock at my door startles me out of my daze, reinforcing that today just isn’t the day to read the words written for me inside the box.

“It’s Marc,” he says from behind the wooden barrier.

“Come in. I’m too lazy to get up.”

My best friend comes walking into my somewhat dark room wearing clothes that look just as comfy as the ones I have on.

“Sunday nap? Sounds great.” He plops himself onto the spot next to me.

“Where’s Ali?” I turn on my side, facing him.

“I’m not sure. But you and I haven’t really hung out, just the two of us this week, so I thought we could. At least until EJ gets back.”

I give my friend an appreciative smile. “I’d like that. But I’m not getting off this bed.”

“Works for me.” Marc tucks his hand under his head, facing me. “How are you doing?”

I playfully raise one eyebrow in question.

“I’m asking for me this time,” he laughs. “EJ is on an airplane right now and can’t bug me to check on you.”

Eli’s version of space is not the norm, but I’m okay with that. It wouldn’t be us if he insisted on giving me any real space. His take on it all is just not texting me a hundred times a day and allowing me to be the one to reach out and open up when I’m ready. Plus, the one night he was in town, we slept in separate beds, but I think that had more to do with him trying to have self-control and hold up his rule about us not having sex until I feel like myself again. Besides that, everything else is somewhat the same.

“I’m good, and I mean it.”

“Good,” he says, finishing the conversation with that.

Marc has always understood me. I don’t know what it is, but since the day we met, he got how I operated. He’s never one to push me, but he’s always supportive. He doesn’t pity me or my situation. He just cares. Since he learned about my family, he’s been extremely protective of me, but since Eli and I got together, he’s passed some of that responsibility on to his brother. He’s the first person I met that I just knew was going to be with me for life, and that security is pretty indescribable for someone like me who has always felt alone.

“Can we talk about your date?” I gush.

Marc lets out a laugh. “Yes, but I’m sure Ali has already filled you in on it all.”

“But I want to hear your side of things. How was it?”

“It was good. I don’t know. It’s Ali, and we always hang out, so it didn’t feel much different than normal.”

“But you like her,” I press.

“I think there are some feelings, yes. But I’ve never dated anyone who was I like Ali, and I think she’s funny, and we get along well. She’s just not what I’m used to.”

I can’t help the smile from spreading across my lips. “Well, the girls you’re used to haven’t worked out for a reason. Maybe someone different is exactly what you need.”

“Yeah, we’ll see.” Marc’s smile is shy.

“Okay, details. I mean, I know what happened, but I want to hear your side of things.”

“Well, we went to that Thai spot I took you to—”

“Great choice, by the way.”

“Thank you,” he laughs. “Then we went to the bar on the corner of 7th for a couple of beers before walking home.”

“And did you kiss her?”