Page 33 of Staying Selfless

I quickly close my letter, turning it over so he can’t see that I’ve already opened and read it.

“Damn!” My eyes are wide and impressed.

“How many did you get?”

“I don’t know,” I lie. “I haven’t opened it yet.”

Zanders wears a look of utter confusion. “What the fuck are you waiting for, Maddison? Open the damn letter.”

“I will. I just need a minute.”

“Okay, you fucking weirdo,” he laughs. “Hey, let’s never admit it, but I actually enjoyed being on the same side as you for once.” He holds his hand out for a shake.

I look down at it for a moment, thoroughly shocked that I’m about to shake the hand of the guy who I’ve hated most of my life, realizing that I don’t have a single bad sentiment towards him anymore.

“Same here, man.” My grin is all arrogance as I recall how bad Zanders and I made everyone else look this weekend. I put my hand in his before swinging my arm over his shoulder and tapping his back with my fist as he does the same. “Still going to absolutely embarrass the shit out of your Buckeyes at division finals, though.”

“Not a chance.” He smugly laughs as he walks away from me. “O-H!” he shouts, beginning his school’s chant, but no one joins in because fuck Ohio State. “I-O!” he finishes it for himself, booming through the lobby.

Once I’m alone again, I look back into my envelope, confirming that my eyes didn’t deceive me the first time.

When I see the list of teams, I can’t help the sly smile that creeps across my lips.

I pull out my phone, needing to text Logan, needing to tell her before anyone else.

E: 6

Chapter 12


“So, Marc’s mom hates me,” Ali states, barging into my room on Monday morning.

I’m bending over, tying up my Vans, but my head snaps up to look at her. And I can’t help but laugh.

Ali’s tiny body is trying to look tough, arms crossed over her chest, and hip popped out by a mile.

“I think ‘hate’ might be too strong of a word.” I take a seat on my bed, looking at her.

“Okay, sorry. Marc’s mom dislikes me with a raging passion,” she rephrases, which only makes me laugh again.

Laughing feels good. I’ve been doing it more and more the last few days. Don’t get me wrong; I still don’t feel like myself. But there are flashes of me there, which is more than I can say about the previous month.

“Well, you did say that you thought Eli’s childhood rival sounded hot, right in front of Mary while sitting next to Marc.”

“Okay, I see my mistake.” Ali nods her head in acknowledgment. “But I mean, come on. You saw that boy. That body and those eyes...I wasn’t wrong.”

Evan Zanders is a stunner, no question about it, and Ali noticed all weekend. Thankfully she learned her lesson and didn’t mention him again in front of Marc.

“Regardless, you said that in front of his mom. Mary is admittedly a little overprotective when it comes to Marc after everything that happened with Lauren, but can you blame her? She’s just looking out for her son.”

“She loved you right away.”

“Well, I mean...” I motion towards myself, giving Ali a smug glance, and realizing that Eli might be starting to rub off on me.

“Joking aside, I was the first girl that Eli ever brought home, and we all know his past. I kind of had an easy in. You picked the brother who has his shit together and recently got cheated on. Not to mention, you met Mary as Marc’s fuck buddy. You had to have known that wasn’t going to make you look great.”

“But still, I tried all my tricks this weekend to make her like me, and nothing worked,” Ali whines. “She kind of scares me, to be honest.”