Page 244 of Staying Selfless

Ali stiffens beside me, and I can sense her nerves palpitating from here as she chugs her glass of champagne.

“Alison,” Marc begins, a small smile across his lips. “Can I get a dance with you?”

Ali’s throat moves in a deep swallow, and I know it’s not the champagne because she downed that in two seconds flat as soon as Marc turned her way.

“Sure,” she breathes out, pushing her empty glass into my chest, not breaking eye contact with my brother.

“Nice work, babe,” I laugh when the two of them are out of earshot.

“Team effort,” Logan clarifies, as we keep an eye on our two closest friends while they try to warm up to each other again.

“Come sit with me.” Intertwining my fingers with Logan’s, I lead her back to our table before ushering her to sit across my lap. She snakes an arm around my shoulders as I place soft kisses on her exposed neck.

“The best day,” she sighs, keeping her gaze locked on our friends and family who are having a blast at our wedding reception.

“The best day,” I agree with another kiss, this one to her inked collarbone.

“Did you sign?”

“Yes, I did. Seven years.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Logan leans back on my chest. “I love you, and I love Chicago.”

“I love Chicago too,” Zanders pipes up, taking Logan’s empty seat beside us. He takes her full glass of champagne and downs it without hesitation.

“Did you sign?”

“Officially signed,” I smugly tell him. “Seven years.”

“Fuck yes,” Zanders rings out, connecting his fist to mine. “You and I are going to run that hockey team in a few years.”

Which is one hundred percent true.

“Lo. Stunning, really.” He glances at my wife, clearly checking her out. “Showing up my boy, Maddison, on his own wedding day.”

“Well, Zee, what can I say? I mean...” She motions up and down her body with a giggle.

I tighten my grasp around her waist, the smile on my face growing. I know she’s partly kidding, but I hope some of my ego continues to rub off on her. If anyone deserves to live unapologetically, it’s my talented, sweet, and beautiful wife.

“You’re my girl, Lo. You know this—”

“Not your girl,” I pipe up without sarcasm.

“But where the fuck are all the women? When I agreed to be in the wedding party, it was on the strong assumption that I would be having sex with a sad, unmarried bridesmaid tonight. Your guys’ entire family is dudes, and even one of your bridesmaids is a bridesman? What the fuck is that? The only chick here is Ali.” Zanders motions to the tiny one in green, dancing with my brother.

“What’s wrong with Ali?” Logan protectively questions. “I mean, you couldn’t go there even if you wanted to, but why don’t you want to?”

“Because she scares the shit out of me, and she’s in love with someone else.”

“Probably for the best,” I add. “She’s off-limits. You know, the whole ‘my brother being in love with her’ thing.”

“Marc’s my boy,” Zanders states. “Even if I weren’t concerned that Ali might potentially cut off my dick if I fucked her over, I wouldn’t do that to your brother. But I’m really disappointed in your pool of single women here tonight. I need to get back to Chicago so that I can get laid.”

“You say it so casually, Zee,” Logan notes. “You make it sound as easy as running into the grocery store.”

“It is as easy.”

I just spent a year on the road with the guy, so I know he’s not wrong. He has chicks lined up in every city we play in.