Page 238 of Staying Selfless

“You’re so good, baby. You’re thoughtful and kind, even if your version of being nice is coming off as a sarcastic ass sometimes,” Logan chuckles, causing the rest of the crowd to join in, Zanders laughing the loudest of all.

“But anyone who is blessed to see your heart, who you truly are, is insanely lucky, because it’s rare to find someone whose heart is as big as yours. You place the highest value on family, and in turn, now I do too. You’ve always included my parents in the most important moments for us, and that’s just you. No one ever asked you to do that, but you’ve constantly reminded me that their love surrounds me. You’ve honored them in our moments, and they both would’ve adored you.

“Eli, I vow to remind you of your worth, to build you up when you feel like you’re falling apart. I vow to continue to expand our family—with friends, dogs, and if we are lucky, children. I vow to be your biggest supporter and your biggest cheerleader in both failures and successes. And every once in a while, I vow to let you believe I’m not completely kicking your ass when we are in the middle of a workout.”

My head falls back in laughter because Logan is way too competitive for that shit. She’ll never let me believe that.

“I vow to love you with everything I have for the rest of my life, and I vow to protect you and your heart when you need it.”

I squeeze Logan’s hands in mine, using all my restraint to keep from leaning over and kissing her. I kept doing that during the rehearsal yesterday, and Marc was about this close to quitting his officiant job because I couldn’t keep my hands off my fiancée.

“As the Best Man and the Man of Honor,” Marc begins, “I have both your rings.”

My brother hands Logan’s thin gold band to me and my thick black one to her as we repeat after Marc the words that officially bind us, and place our rings on each other’s fingers.

My big-ass hand looks so good with a ring on it. I’m getting this shit tattooed, but Logan doesn’t know that yet.

I wanted to wear an engagement ring too, but my fiancée and brother gave me so much shit for it. My teammates would’ve too, so I decided against it. But if you think I didn’t try this ring on more times than I could count over the last year, you’re wrong.

“I feel like I don’t even have to say this, seeing as you two have been one for as long as you’ve known each other,” Marc says. “But these rings symbolize you are no longer two separate people. You’re one family. Or at least that’s what it said online when I got ordained for this.

“Let’s finish this off. Logan, do you take Eli to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Logan beams, her mesmerizing green eyes pouring into mine.

“And Eli, do you take Logan to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

“Hell yeah, I do,” I smugly state with a puffed-out chest.

“I figured,” Marc laughs.

“Then by the power vested in me by some random website I found last week, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Marc turns to me. “You can kiss her now, man.”

Logan snakes her arms around my neck as mine wrap around her middle. We’re both smiling like complete fools as our lips connect. She told me to keep it classy, but if you think I didn’t slip a little tongue in there, you’re sorely mistaken. I’d keep it going, but I’d also really like to get to a private spot and consummate this marriage, if you know what I mean.

My wife pulls back, quickly kissing me one more time before I place my lips on her collarbone.

I take her hand in mine, admiring the way her left ring finger looks as my brother announces us.

“It’s my honor and privilege to be the first to announce these two. My brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eli and Logan Maddison!”

Chapter 59


“Well, that’s not what I had in mind for our cocktail hour,” I tease as my new husband and I stand outside the reception tent, waiting to be announced so we can go in.

“Nice, babe.” Eli suggestively nods his head with a proud smile as he tries to straighten out his tie. “Can you help me?”

I fix his tie before adjusting his boutonniere, trying to make it look like we didn’t just spend our cocktail hour up in his room having a post-ceremony quickie.

Which is exactly what we did.

Eli’s broad thumb swipes the edge of my lip, cleaning up my stray gloss. “Thanks, baby,” I tell him before he leans down and presses his mouth to mine, most likely messing up my makeup once again.

“Logan Maddison,” Eli says the words, testing them out, his brown eyes sparkling with satisfaction. “Logan Jo Maddison. Fuck, that sounds good.”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders as both his hands find my ass. “You’re my husband now. You’re stuck with me forever.”