Page 220 of Staying Selfless

“What are you talking about?”

“Minnesota made me an offer, and I’m taking it,” I repeat, my lips turning up, unable to hide my amusement.

I’ve been keeping this secret for a while now. They’ve been interested in me for about a month at this point, but I couldn’t make any decisions until my season ended. Though, I knew as soon as they offered I would sign with them.

“But you don’t want to play for them.” Logan sinches her brows. “You said yourself that you don’t want to play for a team that is stacked with that much talent. You want to play for a team that you can find your place in the lineup.”

“I want to play in the NHL, and I want to be close to you. Signing with Minnesota gives me both of those things.”

“Eli, I can do the long-distance. I want you to play for a team you want to play for. I’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, but I won’t be okay. I can’t do the distance. These last six weeks were torture, and I’m not doing it again.”

Logan stays silent in shock.

“One of their long-term players is retiring, and it’s clearing up some budget space. It’s a two-year contract with a player’s trade-option after the first. We’ll do a year here, and after you graduate, we can reassess.”

“And you’re sure about this?” Logan’s excited smile begins to lift on her lips, the realization sinking in.

I wrap her up even tighter, pulling her chest into mine.

“This is what I was trying to do while I was in Texas. I was hoping Minnesota would notice me and bring me home to you, so yes, I’m sure.” I press my lips to her collarbone. “But on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“I want us to move in together. I want to buy you a house, and I want to come home to you every night. No more dorm rooms and hockey house bullshit.”

“Deal. But you’re not buying me a house. We are buying a house.”

“Stubborn girl.”

“But Marc—”

“I figured,” I add with a little laugh. “If he wants to, Marc can move in with us. That way, you won’t be alone when I’m on the road.”

“You’re sure about this?”

“I’ve never been more sure about anything other than starting my life with you, so yes. I’m sure.”

“You’re staying here?” Logan asks for confirmation.

“And so are you.” I wrap my hand around the base of her neck, pulling her mouth to mine.

I fucking missed kissing this girl. I missed loving on her, holding her, having her hold me. And we all know I missed fucking this girl. I thought about that more often than I’d like to admit. My right hand got quite the workout over the last six weeks, thanks to the mental images I’ve stored of her.

“This is a nice car,” I point out before going in for another kiss. “Nice backseat. Big,” I add, breathlessly pressing my lips to hers once more. “Nice windows. Very tinted.”

“You’re very observant today, Mr. Maddison. It’s almost as if you’re insinuating something.”

“Insinuating? Oh no, I’m being too subtle then. I want to fuck you, Logan.”

She chuckles against me. “We’re in public. We could get caught.”

I almost laugh at how unconvincing she just made that sound.

“There hasn’t been another car out here since we parked. Besides, I’m not going to last long. I’ve been thinking about this since I left.”

“It has been a while.” Her hips ever so slightly roll on mine, the bulge in my pants unable to hide at this point.