Page 175 of Staying Selfless

I snuggle under Eli’s sheets, making myself cozy, my eyelids heavy. I take another peek at my phone, hoping Eli would’ve called or texted, but there’s still nothing yet. I toss my phone to the other side of the bed, knowing I’ll hear from him by the time my nap is over as I find myself drifting off to some much-needed sleep.

Sometime later, I open my eyes to a completely dark space. The sun has set, the moon barely illuminating Eli’s room as I try to orient myself with my surroundings. I pat around the mattress, looking for my phone. I squint at the screen, my eyes needing to adjust to the bright light when I find it.

It’s almost ten o’clock already.

The other thing I discover on my phone? Not a word from Eli.

Worry finally begins to settle in from his lack of communication, so I shoot him another text.

L: Just checking in again. Are you okay? I love you.

I contemplate texting Jack, but I’m also not trying to be the girlfriend who can’t go a few hours without hearing from her guy, so I decide against it. I’ve been spoiled with Eli’s attention, always being his first call after a game, win or lose, which is why a few hours of silence is throwing me off. But I also know that Jack would call me if something were wrong.

I should probably get used to it. The further Eli’s team goes, the more people that will be clawing at him for attention. Not to mention when he goes to the big leagues.

A: Where are you?? Get your sexy ass to Double G!

I smile at my phone screen as I slide out of bed, making my way downstairs in search of Marc’s Jeep keys. I look all over the kitchen counters, the coffee table, and the hook by the door but come up empty, so I give him a call.

His phone goes straight to voicemail, so I try Ali instead.

L: Almost on my way. Is Marc at Double G?

A: Yeah, he’s here somewhere.

L: Can you have him call me?

A: Yeah, one sec.

A minute or two later, Marc’s name flashes across my screen.

“What’s up?” he yells, trying to project his voice over the crowded bar. “You on your way?”

“I can’t find your Jeep keys. Where did you put them?”

“Oh shit,” Marc sighs. “I have them. I just pulled them out of my coat pocket. Shit, Logan, I totally spaced on leaving them.”

“No worries.” I rummage through my purse, finding the keys to my Civic at the bottom of my bag. “I have my keys. I’m on my way.”

I haven’t driven my car since Eli left, and to be honest, it was a while even before that. I left my Honda parked here randomly last week, and haven’t needed to pick it up since, which works out perfectly for me tonight.

Throwing on my coat, I grab my purse and lock up the house with the spare key the boys made me a couple of months ago. I hop in my Civic, but before I start driving, I recheck my phone, hoping to hear from my boyfriend, but still, there’s nothing.

I’m a few minutes outside of campus, and my stomach is in knots. Eli always communicates with me. The only time he’s gone off the grid was when he had a panic attack after a game, but that was only an hour without communication. We’re going on about five hours at this point.

I’m going to call Jack when I park at Double G. I’m getting worried.

And just when I mentally make that decision, Eli’s name flashes on the screen over my center console. I let out an audible breath as I answer his phone call by pushing a button on my steering wheel, thankful that I hooked up my Bluetooth before I started driving.

“Hi,” I say with relief.

“Hi. Where are you?”

“I’m on my way to meet up with Marc and Ali.”

“Where at?”

“I’m driving to Double G. Is everything okay, Eli? I haven’t heard from you. Congrats on your game, by the way.”