Page 16 of Staying Selfless

I spot the recruiter from Dallas in the second row, instantly reminding me just how important this weekend truly is. This is it. This is my last shot. I don’t expect to get called up by the end of the weekend, seeing as NHL playoffs are still a couple of months away when call-ups typically happen. But, if I don’t get a single meeting on Sunday, that’ll be an indicator that it’s probably over for me.

The fact that I’ve worked so hard my entire life for this, and it could be over in just a few days, causes my stomach to drop with nerves. I can feel the panic beginning to take over, prickling my skin, and reminding me just how much I need Logan to be here this weekend.

Chapter 7


“There’s our guy.” My dad stands from his seat at the table.

The hotel restaurant is packed tonight, unsurprisingly so. The temperature outside is below freezing, so I’m sure most people would rather just eat at the hotel than try to brave the chilly Chicago wind.

“Hey, Dad.” I wrap my arms around him in a hug. He holds on longer than usual, most likely noting that I need it. “Thanks for coming,” I add after giving my stepmom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “How was the drive?”

“Easy. Two hours and no traffic.”

I eye the table, noting the six chairs placed around.

“I wasn’t sure if she was coming or not.” Mary’s smile is cautious when she notices my gaze.

“I’m not sure either.”

“Hey, she’s back in Minnesota, so that’s a big first step,” my dad chimes in. “Just be patient with her. She’s dealing with a lot.”

He, more than anyone, has the most insight into the inner workings of Logan’s mind at the moment, so I just give an agreeable nod.

I take a seat at the opposite end of the table from my dad, hoping that all three empty seats will soon be filled and not just the two for my brother and Ali.

“Sorry, we’re late.” Marc hurries towards our table about twenty minutes later. “Ali made me stop every hour for a bathroom break.”

“Not my fault they were doing heavy pours on my flight,” Ali bites back as she comes into view from behind my brother.

And that’s when I see her.

Well barely. Logan is bundled up in so many layers, I can only really see her emerald-green eyes and pink nose, but it’s her, and that’s all that matters.

As soon as her gaze locks with mine, a calm takes over that I haven’t sensed in almost a month.

I can’t exactly see her mouth due to the scarf that is enveloping her, but the corners of her eyes are crinkling, and I can tell she has a smile on her lips as she looks at me.

I take a bounding step towards her so I can wrap her up in my arms. It’s been far too long since I’ve touched her, but before I can, Mary beats me to it.

“Logan!” she exclaims with arms open wide as she blows past me, directly towards my girl. Her short stature engulfs Logan’s tall frame as Mary squeezes the living daylights out of my girlfriend. “I missed you.”

Logan lets out a little chuckle as she pulls her arms from between their bodies to return the hug. “I missed you too.”

Her laugh is like music to my ears, and I haven’t heard my favorite song in far too long.

Logan’s eyes find mine, the amusement sweeping across her face as she looks at me.

“Mind if I get a turn?” I chime in, causing my stepmom to release her grip before her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Shit.” Mary looks around at us, awkwardly chuckling. “My bad.”

There’s a flutter in my stomach when Logan looks up at me. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I pull her in as firmly as I can against my chest. Her arms squeeze me tightly around my waist before her hands graze the length of my back. I keep one of my hands draped across her shoulders as my other palm finds the back of her beanie, hiding my face into the crook of her neck, and needing to be as close to her as possible.

She melts into my touch just as she’s done so many times before, but this hug hits differently.

I honestly can’t explain what it feels like right now to have her here with me after I’ve been living as one half of a whole for weeks. The only words that come to mind are ‘complete’ and ‘home.’