Page 150 of Staying Selfless

“Well, at least someone in this house got laid,” Eli says through our laughter. “Lucky.”

“Alright, you whiny little baby. Let’s go. Give it to me.”

Eli eyes me for a moment, waiting for me to take it back, but I’m not going to. I pretty much always want him. I was just tired after babysitting four college men last night.

Eli’s questioning glance turns dark as he hovers his body over me. “Who are you calling ‘little?’” He grinds his morning package down on me.

“Of course, that’s what you took from that statement.”

Chapter 39


Coffee. I need coffee.

I’m surprisingly not that hungover today. But I am fucking tired. I couldn’t tell you how late we stayed up last night, shooting the shit at the dining room table, not to mention the ridiculously early hour that my guilt woke me.

I’ve never used Logan. Not once. Sure, she helps me sleep and calms me down, but I’ve never used her for those things. I constantly want to be around her because I love her, and she’s my best friend. But the peace she brings me is just an added bonus to spending time with my favorite person.

But telling her I needed to fuck her so I could distract myself from the anxiety that was settling in? That’s what I did with all the countless girls before her, and the last thing I want is for her to feel compared to them.

Because there is no comparison.

Then there’s the whole thing about needing to get shit-faced because Zanders got called up, and I didn’t. Fucking whiny little bitch I was last night.

“Is Zanders still sleeping?” I ask Cam as I pour Logan and me each a coffee, being sure to add plenty of creamer into hers. “We put him in your room last night.”

“He wasn’t in there.” Cam takes a seat next to Logan at the dining room table.

“Do you think he left already?” Logan asks.

“Maybe.” I take a chair, pulling her onto my lap. “I’m not sure if he needed to be in Chicago today or later this week.”

As the three of us enjoy our morning caffeine, my brother comes waltzing into the kitchen, doing the walk of shame.

And not the walk of shame because he got laid last night, but because of his drunken antics, including the way he went off on Ali.

“Too hungover for a lecture,” he moans, making his way to the coffee pot.

“Perfect,” Logan says. “Your raging headache will make this even worse for you.”

Before my girl can lay into Marc, the front door swings open.

“Where the hell did you go?” I ask as Zanders proudly enters the room.

“What? You think I’m going to get called up to the NHL and not get my dick wet? I took an Uber to that chick’s house when you bitches went to sleep last night.”

“The girl you danced with for about five minutes?” Logan questions, earning a smug brow pump from Zanders in agreement.

“Honestly...” Logan begins. “Impressive.”

“That’s nothing, Lo. Just wait until I’m in Chicago. Pussy will be throwing itself at me. I mean, more than it already does.” He holds up the almost empty coffee pot. “For me?” he asks as if his previous statement is as causal as it gets.

“Why do I like him so much?” Logan whispers to me, making me laugh.

“When do you have to be in Chicago?”

“Saturday. Which means I need to get back to Ohio today. I was planning to stay and watch you guys smoke Northwestern this weekend, but I gotta get going. Besides, Peterson is such a little bitch. I don’t even want to see the guy. Or think about the fact that they made it farther than us in playoffs.”