“Well, they were a good ten minutes,” Logan encourages. “You looked strong.”
“Cam!” a few girls squeal out from down the corridor, all wearing our team’s attire. Some of them even wearing my buddy’s number eight on their shirts.
“Oh, hell yes.” Cam’s eyes are wide as he turns their way. “I really should thank you guys,” he says to us, keeping his eyes locked on his fans. “Now that Maddison is off the market, I’m pulling chicks like you wouldn’t believe. They just wait around for me. The next best thing to the captain is the assistant captain, am I right?”
“Take ‘em, Cami,” Logan says dryly. “Take them all.”
“I’ll do my best, but I only have two hands,” Cam adds. “I’m sure I’ll see you both before, but don’t forget about my birthday on Wednesday.”
“Mid-week, man?” I drape my arm over Logan’s shoulders.
“I can’t choose when I turn twenty-one, Maddison. And thankfully our day off from practice is Thursday. So, get ready to drink, dance, and pass out, because we are going hard, baby.” His arms are open wide as he walks towards his group of female fans while still facing us. “Your boy is finally legal!” he rings out through the almost empty hall.
“You’re going to that with me, right?” I ask Logan as we start our walk back to her dorm.
“Of course. I already finished and turned in my assignments for Thursday’s classes in case I’m dead to the world and can’t make it to class.”
“I’m getting drunk Logan on Wednesday night?” I ask with excitement.
“Hell yeah, you are.”
“Can’t fucking wait.” I love all versions of Logan, but the filter-less drunk version is high on my list.
“Speaking of birthdays,” I begin, shifting the subject as we continue our walk. “We need to start thinking about your birthday next month. What do you want to do?”
“You’re not going to be here. You’ll be in Dallas by then.”
And just as you’d expect from her, Logan’s expression is filled with excitement for me, not a trace of disappointment that I could potentially miss her birthday.
But her confidence in my future career is vastly contradictory to my current take on it. I haven’t heard a word from Dallas or any other team since Senior Showcase, and the anxiety is beginning to settle in.
Instead of diving into my insecurities, I change the subject once again. “Did Marc head back already?”
“Yeah.” Logan exhales a defeated sigh, telling me that my brother is still upset without using the words.
“And no Ali,” I state, recalling the two empty seats next to my brother and girlfriend.
“She just needs a little time. It’s her story to tell, but I understand where she’s coming from a whole lot more after we talked last night. You’ve got to trust me, baby. She’s working through some things right now.”
I do trust Logan, and I’m sure she’s right about Ali. It’s just hard to wrap my head around the fact that Ali has enough of a reason for Logan to understand why she ended things with Marc in that way.
I open the grad-dorm lobby door for Logan to enter first. She’s fucking freezing right now, as she always is, even though the walk was less than ten minutes. She’s wearing her warmest coat, and she has a scarf enveloping her neck.
As soon as we make it to the C-hall, the indoor temperature has warmed her up enough that she starts to de-layer before we even make it to her room.
When Logan goes to hang her coat in the closet, once again revealing my away jersey gracing her toned body, her phone begins to ring next to me.
“It’s my dad,” I tell her from across the room, holding up her phone and showing her the caller ID.
“Answer it.”
I do as she says, putting him on speakerphone.
“Hey, Dad,” I say loud enough for the speaker to pick up my voice.
“Hey, Jack,” Logan calls out from the closet.
“Hey, guys,” my dad says. “Nice game, EJ. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. Figured Logan would be my next best shot.”