Page 114 of Staying Selfless

“That’s true. I needed a water break, and you seem like the right person to do that with.” He grabs a glass of champagne to use as his form of hydration.

As soon as dinner, toasts, and the first dances were out of the way, Marc took off with the rest of the guests, taking over the dance floor. He’s alternated a few dances with me, his mom, and anyone else who’s willing to go for a spin.

One thing I love about my best friend is his willingness to let loose and have a good time. He’s smart as hell and extremely focused on school, but the guy can party when the time comes.

“You seem good.” My tone is suggestive, unable to hide my contented smile.

He tries to shrug his shoulders casually, but his drunken happy grin is too apparent. “She seems okay with this all, don’t you think? She’s freaking out a whole lot less than I figured she would be.”

“I saw her hold your hand.” I pull my glass of bubbles to my lips. “That’s small for someone else but huge for Ali.”

“I thought so, too!” Marc says with excitement, his red-rimmed eyes going wide. “I don’t know, but things feel good right now.”

I take another sip of my champagne, trying to cover my overjoyed expression.

“Yes, I need one of those.” Ali approaches the bar, reaching her hand between my friend and me to the bartender behind us. She takes an extra-long swig of the fresh glass of champagne.

“Alison, you look so pretty tonight,” Marc says, the liquid courage setting in. “I don’t know if I’ve told you that yet, but you do.”

Ali’s cheeks go pink before she downs the rest of her glass.

“We are dancing.” Marc stands up straight, pulling the empty flute from Ali’s hands.

“Marc—,” Ali begins to object.

“Nope.” He takes her hand in his, pulling her to the dance floor. “You’re my date to this thing whether or not you want to admit it, and we are going for a dance.”

Even though Ali is reluctant, I can see the smile pulling at her lips from here as I sit back and watch my friends be happy together.

“How’s my favorite son’s girlfriend?” Mary tucks herself next to my body, her arms wrapping around my waist. “Nope, that came out wrong. How’s my favorite girlfriend of my sons?” she tries again, with a questioning glance. The words don’t come out right yet again, but I know what she means.

I drape my arm over her shoulders, being a solid five inches taller than her. “I’m the only girlfriend, Mary.”

“True, but maybe not for long.” She nods towards Marc and Ali on the dance floor.

“So, about this Ali girl...” I insinuate.

“Yeah, I know,” Mary laughs. “It’s pretty bad when your own son has to call you out for not being accepting of his brother’s...friend.”

I don’t respond but instead hide my knowing grin behind my glass of bubbles, taking a sip.

“I know that I was hesitant at first when she came around, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, the truth is, I was nervous about her being with Marc because she reminds me a lot of my younger self. I remember my mindset at her age. It’s not a bad thing to want to be single. In fact, I think it great,” she continues. “But when my caring and sensitive son is involved, that mindset scares me. You know how Marc is. I was afraid he was going to get hurt.”

“And how do you feel now?” I ask, both of our gazes locked on my two friends dancing together.

Mary shrugs, unsure of what to say. “To be determined.”

“Ready?” Eli asks as he makes his way to his stepmom and me.

“For what?” I take another sip of my champagne.

“To dance with me.”

I let out the most awkward choking noise as my champagne almost comes back up. Eli’s satisfied smile overtakes his lips as I replay his words in my mind again.

“But you don’t dance,” I remind him.

“I may have had a change of heart recently.”