Page 6 of Staying Selfless

I sulk back to my truck, blasting the heat, and even that little act makes me think of Logan. She’s always cold, so I guess I’m glad she’s missing this part of the winter and enjoying some warmer weather back in California.

After a few minutes of feeling guilty for how I acted inside, Cam comes out with my brother as Marc drunkenly leans on him for balance. Cam unwraps Marc’s arm from his shoulders as he gets him in the passenger seat of my truck.

He tucks Marc’s legs inside my car before looking over at me. “I’m sure she’ll be back,” he says with an unconvincing smile, trying to make me feel better.

Cam closes the passenger door before tapping on the roof to tell me to start driving off.

“You good, man?” I ask my drunken brother as he adjusts himself in his seat.

He doesn’t respond with words. He just gives me a little grunt in acknowledgment.

I take a right at the first stoplight to take us back to our parent’s house off-campus.

“No. Dorm,” Marc interjects.

“Just crash at the house tonight.”

“No, EJ. Dorm.”

I don’t know why he wants to go to his dorm so badly, but it’s only five minutes away, so I decide to appease him.

“Why’d you get so fucked up?” I haven’t seen Marc this drunk since Lauren broke up with him a year ago.

“I’m fucked up,” he slurs.

I let out a little chuckle. “I know you are. But why?”

“I miss Logan.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Is that all?”

“Fuck,” he mumbles, dropping his head into his hands. “I miss Ali too.”

I knew it.

“I thought she was going to invite me to New York for New Year’s, but she didn’t.”

“You know you could’ve just told her you wanted to go see her.”

“I can’t. Ali is so weird about feelings, and I don’t even know if I want to admit that’s what’s going on. It would just freak her out.” He leans his head against the cool glass of the passenger side window in defeat.

“You guys are ridiculous. You’re both into each other. It’s obvious.”

Pulling up to Marc’s dorm, I park my truck, and eagerly wait for him to get out and go inside.

“For someone who’s heartbroken and depressed over his girlfriend, you’re sure adamant about me having one.”

I don’t respond with words. I just give my brother a sideways glance.

“That game that Logan bought me tickets to is tomorrow. Or today, I guess,” he says, changing the subject.

“Are you going to go without her?”

“I don’t know, man. We should’ve both flown out to California as soon as she left. I think I fucked up on the friendship front.”

“Nah, Marc.” I shake my head. “You didn’t talk to her that day. There was no changing her mind or going with her. She’s stubborn as hell, and she wanted to grieve alone. There’s nothing either of us could’ve done.”

“Your hand looks like shit.” He nods towards my swollen knuckles.