Page 148 of Staying Selfless

“Love you, Al,” I tell her before she steps outside.

“You too.”

Heading to the bar, I close out Eli’s tab while ordering an Uber to get us all home.

“We’re leaving,” I tell Marc and Eli, finding them in the corner of the dark bar.

“I don’t want to,” Marc whines.

“I don’t give a shit. We’re going home.”

After a beat, Eli and Marc burst into a fit of drunken laughter, my boyfriend slapping his brother’s shoulder in hysterics.

“I know she doesn’t want kids, but fuck, she already sounds like a mom,” Marc quietly tells his brother.

And by quietly, I mean Marc’s drunken version of quiet, which is, well, not quiet at all. I make sure I’m turned around from him before I let out a silent laugh. I don’t want him to know I found that funny. I’m pissed off at him for how he spoke to Ali.

“Zee, we’re going home!” I yell towards the dance floor. “You coming?”

He glances down to the girl whose ass is rubbing all up on him, before he shrugs his shoulders, leaves her on the dance floor, and follows us to the exit.

“You got room for me?” Goody calls out, stumbling our way.

“Fuck it. Yeah, let’s go,” I tell him, hoping our driver is cool with five of us squishing into his car.

After a promise of a five-star rating and an extra big tip, I stuff the four oversized drunk boys in the back seat while I ride shotgun.

“Baby, I thought you were going to sit on my lap,” Eli drunkenly whines. “I’m going to need you to sit on my lap when we get home.”

“I want Taco Bell,” Zander chimes in.

“Goody, you still got that bottle at the house?” Marc asks.

“If not that one, I have others. Plus, everyone gave Cam alcohol for his birthday. We can keep this party going all night,” Goody says, his head squished against the window, his warm breath fogging over the glass.

Our driver not-so-subtly laughs at my misfortune as he looks at me with a sympathetic smile.

“Goody and Marc, you’re done drinking for the night,” I tell them. “Zee, we aren’t stopping for Taco Bell, but I’ll make you a pizza when we get home. Baby...not happening tonight.”

“She’s the best, man,” Zanders says to Eli. “You’re the best, Lo!”

“Right?” Eli agrees. “The fucking best. The best woman in the whoooole world.”

“That sweet talk isn’t going to get you laid if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eli tries to sound innocent, but he’s too drunk to hide his motives tonight.

“I think I need a girlfriend,” Zanders adds, causing the banter to pause, silence overtaking the group.

I swear you could hear crickets chirping outside from Zanders’ statement as we all stare at him in shock.

“Nah!” he takes it back, the rest of the boys following suit with their laughter.

Thankfully, Benny is still awake when we get home, and helps me get me the boys inside. I place water in front of each of them while I preheat the oven, needing to get some food into these drunk stomachs.

“How the fuck are you two friends?” Marc asks his brother and Zanders as he leans his head on his crossed arms, resting on the dining room table.

“So fucking weird,” Goody laughs.