Chapter Forty-One
Still Sitting Inside The Booth
Itwist toward Jessica. “What just happened?”
Michael is deadly gorgeous. He literally took my breath away when I first saw him. He looks like he should be painted… not be the painter. If I could cast him in a film, I’d cast him as the devil who seduces the virgin but you still love him even as she’s having his evil, devil baby. His sex appeal makes my fourteen-day fling – sexy ass Jake Lombardi – look like a girl. Not to mention Michael’s eyes strip your panties right off with just a look. You could be a nun and if Michel looked at you, you’d scream, stick it in!
But like Jake, he’s got all the ingredients of A Big Mistake Cocktail. I don’t care if he left his wife. I mean, let’s think about this – that woman must be devastated! Now is not the time; this is all wrong! Everything in me says Mark is her guy, that he’s The One.
Jess is staring after where she saw Nico last, her mouth and eyes the shape of an O, like someone suddenly came down from the heavens and whispered in her ear the answer to everything. “Oh my God.”
“What?” I slam both hands impatiently on the table. “What, Jess, what?”
But Jess is in a stupor. “Oh my God.”
Rolling my eyes, I slam the table again. “Oh my God what?!”
But still, she stares dully off into the distance, muttering, “Oh my God!”
Exasperated, I grab my things and jump out of the booth. “Don’t just sit there – let’s go stop her!”
Jess scoots quickly out, her legs sticking to the seat repeatedly. “Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Dammit!”
“Well, you shouldn’t have worn a short skirt without stockings when it’s almost winter! Hurry!” I shove my way through the crowd with Jess scrambling to catch up, mumbling something about it being her favorite skirt.
As soon as we’re outside, Jess shouts, “Oh my God!” She grabs my arm, digging her nails into my skin like you do in a movie theater when the killer is about to jump out from the silence.
About a hundred feet down Stuyvesant Street, Nico is screaming like crazy at Michael. “That can’t be good.” But then they suddenly lunge for each other. Some might call it ‘kissing,’ but it’s more like they’re eating each other alive.
Jess dryly laughs. “That can’t be bad.”
I throw her hand off me. “Jessica!”